
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

5 Best Weed Killers For Driveways

Best Weed Killers For Driveways

Most recommended
RM43RM43 43-Percent Glyphosate Plus Weed Preventer Total Vegetation Control
  • 43% Glyphosate Formula
  • Size: 1-Gallon
  • Weed Prevention for 1 Year

A good choice too
Compare-N-SaveCompare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer
  • 41% Glyphosate Formula
  • Size: 1-Gallon
  • Rainproof in 2 Hours

A good choice too
Southern AgAmine Weed Killer
  • Item Weight: 2.5 pounds
  • Size: 1 Quart
  • Controls broadleaf weeds

Ortho GroundClearOrtho GroundClear Vegetation Killer Concentrate, 2-Gallon
  • Size: 2-Gallon
  • Visible results in hours
  • Weed Prevention for 1 Year

SpectracideSpectracide Weed & Grass Killer With Extended Control Concentrate
  • 40-Ounce
  • Visible results in 3 hours
  • Weed Prevention for 5 month

Choose the Best Weed Killer For Driveways

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Weed Killers For Driveways

144 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

59.72% of users selected RM43, 10.42% selected Compare-N-Save, 3.47% selected Southern Ag, 15.97% selected Ortho GroundClear and 10.42% selected Spectracide. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

Do you also have problems with the weeds invading the perfect pattern of your driveways? Then I have a few solutions for you! Thanks to my friends and colleagues, I’ve been testing over a dozen different weed killers for driveways. The outcome of this research can be found below.

My tips for the buyers of weed killers for driveways

It is advisable to test the effect of chemicals on a small area before using them in your driveway area. It can reach deep into the gap between the tiles and affect the plant under the root. In this way, by removing the weed from the root, you will prevent weeds from their further growth. You will also prevent the thickening of weeds.

At the same time, you may maintain the integrity and tidy appearance of the coating. It is best to treat the weed in a driveway at the end of April and for the second time during their active growing season at the end of July. Pick a safe herbicide that does not cause any external changes to the driveway’s coating.

There are several most commonly used ways for weed control for driveways:

  1. Manual. A special garden L-shaped knife can be used to remove the weeds from the root;
  2. Conventional weed killers. Conventional chemical herbicides can be used if there are no other plants along the driveways because contact herbicides can damage their root system as well;
  3. Natural weed killers for driveways. Instead of the chemical solution, you can treat the weeds with organic vinegar-based products. Just spread salt between the tiles. This treatment is safer, softer and can be used even in the area where a small child or pet will play. The coating should be treated in dry weather to avoid rainwater washout;

After applying herbicides, the weeds should dry up after a week. By the way, the safest, but with the shortest effect is to scald the weed with boiling water and then rinse the plants with the strong water pressure. This pet-friendly and safe method will help to solve the problem with vegetation for 1-2 weeks, after which the weeds in driveways will appear once again.

3 best weed killers for driveways: the results of my tests

  1. RM43 has a powerful 43% glyphosate formula, with the weed prevention for 1 year, at least;
  2. Compare-N-Save is a great rainproof remedy with 41% glyphosate formula;
  3. Southern Ag is another great remedy to control broadleaf weeds;

Interlocking areas like driveways are prone to weeds. Besides the described solutions, you may check the third-party video tutorial dedicated to this problem. You may also add your solutions in the comments below. Thanks for reading this review and others on Grass-Killer.com!


What are the best times of year to use weed killers for driveways?

The best time to use weed killers for driveways is typically in the spring or early summer, before weeds have a chance to mature and produce seeds. This will help prevent new weeds from germinating and taking hold in your driveway.

Of course, you’ll need to re-treat your driveway periodically throughout the year to keep it free of weeds. But by starting early, you can help reduce the amount of time and effort required to maintain a weed-free driveway.

Are there any dangers or risks associated with using weed killers for driveways?

Yes, there are some risks associated with using weed killers for driveways. If the products are not used properly, they can be harmful to people and animals. Always read the label carefully and follow the directions before using any weed killer product. In addition, keep children and pets away from treated areas until the product has dried completely.

Some weed killers contain chemicals that may be harmful to the environment. If you are concerned about the impact of weed killers on the environment, there are several organic and natural options available. These products will still kill weeds, but they are made from ingredients that are not harmful to the environment.

What are some alternatives to using weed killers for driveways?

The three main alternatives to using weed killers for driveways are mechanical removal, solarization, and mulching.

Mechanical removal is the process of physically removing weeds from your driveway. This can be done with a shovel, hoe, or other gardening tool. Solarization is the process of using the sun’s heat to kill weeds. This is done by covering the area with clear plastic for several weeks during hot weather. Mulching is the process of covering an area with a layer of material (such as wood chips) that blocks sunlight and prevents weed seeds from germinating.

Can you use Roundup on the driveway?

Yes, you can use Roundup on the driveway. You should always read the label first to make sure that it is safe for your particular situation. Roundup is a broad-spectrum herbicide that will kill most plants that it comes into contact with. It is important to be careful when using any herbicide near driveways, sidewalks, or other areas where people or pets could come into contact with it.

Roundup is one of the most popular weed killers on the market. It is effective at killing a wide variety of weeds and grasses. It is available in both liquid and granular form. Roundup can be used on driveways, sidewalks, and patios. It should not be used around children or pets.

What do professionals use to kill weeds?

The best way to find out what product professionals use is to ask them. You can also look for online reviews of products and see what others have to say about their experience using them.

There are a few different types of products that you can use to kill weeds on your driveway. The most common type of product is an herbicide. Herbicides are chemicals that kill plants. They come in many different formulations, so you need to read the label carefully to make sure you’re getting the right one for your needs.

Another type of product that can be used to kill weeds is a weed burner. Weed burners use heat to kill weeds. They’re relatively inexpensive and easy to use, but they can be dangerous if not used properly.

Will bleach kill weeds permanently?

Yes, bleach can be used as a weed killer. When applied to weeds, bleach will kill them permanently. However, you should be careful when using bleach as a weed killer because it can also harm your plants and grass. If you’re not careful, you may end up with dead grass and plants.

Here are some tips on how to use bleach as a weed killer:

  • Diluted bleach can be used to kill weeds. To make a diluted solution, mix one part bleach with nine parts water.
  • Apply the solution to the weeds using a spray bottle or garden hose.
  • Be careful not to get any of the solution on your plants or grass. If you do, rinse it off immediately.
  • The solution will kill the weeds within a few hours.

Is bleach or vinegar better to kill weeds?

There are a few different ways to kill weeds, but which one is the best? That really depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re trying to kill weeds naturally, then vinegar or bleach might be the best options. However, if you’re looking for something that will kill weeds quickly, then you might want to use a chemical weed killer.

It’s important to remember that vinegar and bleach can kill plants, so you’ll want to be careful when using them. You don’t want to accidentally kill your flowers or vegetables! When using these products, make sure to carefully read the instructions on the label.

How do I permanently get rid of weeds in a gravel driveway?

Weeding a gravel driveway is a never-ending task unless you take measures to prevent weeds from growing in the first place. A pre-emergent herbicide will kill weeds before they have a chance to sprout, while a post-emergent herbicide will kill existing weeds. For best results, use both types of herbicides in conjunction with each other.

What kills weeds down to the root?

Weed killers that contain glyphosate are very effective at killing weeds down to the root. Roundup is a popular brand of weed killer that contains glyphosate. Another option is Ortho GroundClear, which also contains glyphosate.

If you’re looking for a natural weed killer, vinegar is a good option. Vinegar is acetic acid, and it will kill weeds by burning them. You can either use straight vinegar or diluted vinegar. If you use straight vinegar, be careful not to get it on any plants that you don’t want to kill.

How do you get rid of weeds so they never come back?

The easiest way to get rid of weeds is to prevent them from ever growing in the first place. This can be accomplished by regularly applying a weed killer to your driveway. There are many different options available on the market, so it’s important to choose one that is specifically designed for driveways.

When applied correctly, weed killers will kill existing weeds and prevent new ones from growing. Be sure to read the instructions on the label carefully before applying, as some products may require different application methods or times of day.

Video Tutorial: How To Remove Weeds From Interlocking