- Style: Granules
- 11.5 lbs
- Ortho

- Style: Ant Killer
- Insecticides
- Ortho

- 1.25 pounds
- 5 x 3.13 x 9.75 inches
- SBM Life Science

- Brand: Amdro
- Fire Ant Killer
- 1 pound

- Color clear
- Spectracide
- 10 Pounds
Choose the Best Fire Ant Killers for Lawn
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Fire Ant Killers for Lawns
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Fire ants are one of the most common types of stinging insects in North America. They often live close to human dwellings, and they can create a large number of problems for homeowners every year. Fire ants don’t just sting people, but their nests also endanger other animals nearby as well. For this reason, you’ll want to ensure that your yard is protected from fire ant infestation before it becomes an issue later on down the line.
Benefits of fire ant killers:
- The best fire ant killers for lawns will kill ants that are found outside your house. These should be used on areas of the yard where you can see them crawling around, as well as near openings to your houses like doors and windows. The most common place these insects enter a home is through doorways or mail slots in concrete slabs, so it’s important not to leave any gaps larger than ¼ inch when sealing off entry points with sealant (more about this later);
- Fire ant control products work by either spraying poison onto the surface of plants or soil which they might crawl over next or injecting toxic substances into their bodies directly via application methods such as granules;
- Rates of effectiveness vary by product, but some are considered good for as long as a year or two before needing to be reapplied. Just remember that the best fire ant control products should also include an insecticide component so it’s not just poison and water;
The best fire ant killers for lawns can be hard to find. There are so many options available, it’s difficult to know which one is right for you. That’s why experts created this guide – to make it easier for you! They have compiled reviews of the top 5 products on the market today and answered some of the most common questions about choosing a product that will work best in your situation.
Table of Contents
Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules – the Editor’s choice!

Ortho ensures that fire ants are no match for this product and it protects areas up to 5,000 square feet. This outdoor fire ant killer will kill fire ants in 15 minutes so you can get back to enjoying your lawn.
Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules are designed to protect your lawn area and prevent mounds from forming for 6 months. With a drop or broadcast spreader, it can be applied to your entire residential yard in less than 15 minutes.
Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer1 – the best for the coverage!

And don’t worry about watering it in or waiting till after dark for kids around – you just pour it down into the holes nest at your home, for quick and effective results.
This Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer gets rid of the problem on contact. One dose kills queen ants and destroys your mound for good!
BioAdvanced 700310A Ant & Termite Killer – the best for broad-spectrum application!

Not only does this product come in handy for controlling insects outdoors, it is also great for use indoors around your home! So no matter what pest you’re dealing with, get Bio Advanced’s Ant & Termite Killer and save that bug infestation from getting out of control.
Get rid of insects and bugs in your home and garden fast with BioAdvanced Ant Killer! This product kills and controls fire ants and 60 other insects – both inside and outside your house.
Amdro Fire Ant Bait Granules – the best for volume!

And not only does this product kill fire ants, but it also works amazingly well on other types of species like big-headed ants and harvester ants. Your property will feel safer within 2 weeks from application.
The Amdro fire ant bait granules are the perfect solution to your icky red ants. One sprinkle of this tasteless, colorless, and odorless bait around their nest will bring about death.
Spectracide 96472 HG-96472 Insect Killer – the best for quick action!

This product has a fast knockdown with just minutes and starts killing in minutes that will save you time as well. With this guarantee on the purchase, if any fire ants come back, the manufacturer will refund your money back.
This insect killer has been extensively tested for safety and effectiveness on a wide range of pests including fire ants, wasps, ticks and more. It acts safely and quickly on your lawn infected with fire ants.
The Buyer’s Guide
Types of Ant Killers:
1) Ant granules
Ant granules are safe for people and pets. They also don’t leave a mess behind like other ant killers do, so they’re best suited for gardens where you want to keep the ground clean. However, most experts found them ineffective against larger fire ants or colonies close to buildings because it takes more than one application of products that have contact killing power (ant bait with borax) to get rid of these types of pests.
It is recommended to use both kinds together if this is your problem area, as applying either will not be sufficient enough by itself. Ants seem drawn in by this product’s sugar paste flavor that doesn’t make it popular among insects but does attract honeybees who pollinate flowers nearby.
The only downside is that ants are drawn in by this product’s sugar paste flavor that doesn’t make it popular among insects but does attract honeybees who pollinate flowers nearby. This is a plus for those with gardens and flowerbeds who want to keep the surrounding area pest-free, though!
Tips for users: ant granules contain borax, so don’t use them if you have pets that may eat these products while playing around on your lawn or garden.
2) Ant sprays
Sprayers come in all shapes and sizes, but there are two types: contact or aerosol (also called foggers). The difference is that a contact sprayer needs to be sprayed directly on ants whereas an atomizer will cover them with a thick mist, killing any they happen to cross over as well. Both types of fire ant sprayers can work wonderfully though it’s more difficult to see where you’re spraying when using these products since the liquid is just water and won’t show up as poison does.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the label when applying any insecticide, as using too much of a product can be more harmful than not enough. Spraying your lawn with a liquid fire ant killer will kill small groups of ants in their tracks. Apply this treatment every 3 months for continuous protection against future infestations by these insects.
Keep an eye out for new mounds appearing on your property that you may have missed during routine inspections – these could indicate that there is still some active worker presence or even reproduction going on nearby. Ants need water to stay healthy so it’s important to keep shady areas dry and well-watered.
3) Ant gels
Ants gel is a concentrated form of the pesticide with some liquid and grit added in to help spread the product over an area. Ant gels are typically applied by applying them to pieces of cardboard, which ants will walk across while foraging or looking for food.
The best ant gel products should contain between 0.12-0.18% pyrethroids as their active ingredient along with other ingredients that make it easier for you to apply these complex chemicals (such as binders) without having any runoff into your yard or garden space.
This type of treatment works well in large areas such as parks where there may be many colonies living under trees, shrubs, and ground covers so they can’t be seen from above ground level.
Ant gels have a low environmental impact as well, and they are compatible with other insecticides that may be needed to fight fire ants. These products contaminate the soil in which the gel is applied over time so there’s no point of return for an ant colony.
Fire ant gel treatments also work well on lawns because it creates a barrier that prevents new colonies from establishing themselves near your home or garden space while at the same time not harming beneficial insects like honeybees.
Fire ants can be a problem for any homeowner, and the best way to avoid them is by taking care of your lawn. Fire ant killers are safe when used as directed on product labels, but it’s important to keep children and pets away from treated areas until they have dried out completely – most fire ant killer products should dry in 24 hours or less. You may also want to wear gloves while doing this work to protect not only yourself but also your skin.
Wear protective clothing if you’re using a highly toxic treatment option like Dursban, which has been banned in many states because of its lingering effects on both people and animals – even after the area dries up! It’s better than being stung by a thousand tiny needles!
The only thing you need to remember is that fire ants are a persistent problem. They don’t go away after just one treatment, so it’s important to stay on top of the situation if they ever do return or even creep into new areas in your lawn. You should also be careful not to get any treatment near waterways, gardens, trees, or other places where animals can meet them as this could have negative consequences for both people and pets.
How Does Fire Ant Killer Work?
Whenever looking for the best fire ant killer, it is important to consider what type of lawn you have.
3 main types are:
- green turf;
- cool season grasses;
- warm season grasses;
For both cool-season and warmer seasons there are non-selective insecticides which kill all insects that come in contact with them including beneficial as well as detrimental ones such as ladybugs or spiders respectively. These can be used where ants may not cause a problem but could create one if left unchecked (i.e., near your home). If only using once or twice per year these chemicals can also apply on new seedlings at planting time without adverse effects so long as they do not touch any plant parts other than leaves above ground after application.
For warm season lawns, it should also be noted that certain chemical control products require a higher rainfall after application than others before they can take full effect which means applying them too early in the season could result in a wasted investment.
For all types of lawns, avoid using fire ant toxicants that are not specifically labeled for use on turfgrass and follow label instructions carefully to prevent any potential damage your grass may incur over time as a result of application. As always, don’t forget to check with local authorities before applying anything chemical-based near waterways or other areas where it can affect animals like fish populations if they’re present!
As the name implies, a fire ant killer works by killing ants. The best way to use this product for your specific needs is to read the instructions on the label and follow them carefully. This will usually involve some combination of spreading it where you want to kill ants (on sidewalks or decks), mixing with water in a spray bottle and spraying areas that have an infestation, or pouring around young trees in order to prevent future problems.
In addition, if there are any mounds nearby these should be treated as well so that they don’t continue producing more fire ants. As such people often apply it twice per year for prevention purposes: once before spring when new nests start forming again after winter; and then another time right near fall when the queens are about to start overwintering.
Important notice: be sure not to use any products that may contain a chemical called Tetramethrin on your vegetables, fruits, or flowers because it could be harmful in those environments and should only be used by professionals for commercial farming purposes.
How to Apply Fire Ant Killer:
- Sprinkle the fire ant killer on a wide, flat area of your lawn. The product should be applied to both sides and every inch or so in-between where you see evidence of ants;
- If you have any questions about how much product to apply, contact the manufacturer before use for specific instructions;
- You may want to consider applying this during daylight hours if there will still be children/animals after dark when treatment is complete;
- Treating the perimeter of your home may also be a good idea if you are experiencing an infestation in that area;
- Be sure to seek professional advice if you are uncertain about the application process;
Are fire ant killers safe around vegetables and pets?
Chemical-based fire ant killers are not safe for vegetable gardens or pet areas. If you have either, it is best to keep them at least 30 feet away from the treated area and avoid using this type of pesticide on your lawn if possible. Spraying fire ants can be dangerous because they will scatter around in an effort to escape the toxic chemicals.
What is the most effective fire ant killer?
There is not one fire ant killer that can be considered the best. There are a few different types of products available to kill ants, and each has its own pros and cons:
- Fire ant baits. This type of treatment often comes in granule form, which makes it easier for ants to notice their way back from food sources. If there’s an infestation near your home or property line then this may be the right solution for you;
- Ant baits with insect growth regulators (IGRs). These baits have IGRs added to them so that when ingested by adult worker insects they disrupt their ability to lay eggs, thus leading to a decline in the population of ants. The IGRs also have an effect on immature forms, including larvae and pupae;
- Ant baits with fumigants. These are very similar to ant baits that contain insect growth regulators. However, these baits release gas before they dissolve. This gas is usually sulfuryl fluoride or aluminum phosphide, which both act as fumigants that use poison gases for killing pests such as roaches and other insects;
What is the best way to get rid of fire ants in your yard?
Buy fire ant killer baits online or at a local hardware store for easy application and use. The type available will depend on where you live – so make sure to check what’s offered before hitting up your nearest retailer.
Ants are attracted by sweet foods like molasses, syrup, honey or fruit juice. So try placing these substances near areas they tend to hang out and avoid using them around food preparation areas (or any area that could attract human traffic). You should also be careful about ants being attracted to sugar water that you use for plant irrigation.
To avoid drawing ants towards your home, sprinkle baby powder or talcum powder near the doorways and entry points of the building on a regular basis. This will help reduce moisture levels – which are an ant’s main food source.
Ants can be hard to keep out of your yard due to their ability to jump distances up to 50 times their body length! You should therefore take care in disposing trash properly as well so they don’t come into contact with syrups or sticky substances that might attract them even more. Be sure also not place any sweet foods around doors and other entrances where they’re likely hidden from human traffic (especially if it’s near food preparation areas).
Citrus oil or other natural substances can also keep ants away. One such substance is cedar wood, which has a high potential to repel insects due to its strong aroma. Consider these options if you’re looking for ant control that won’t poison them and poses no risk of harm towards your pets or family members.
If it’s just in one area where there are some pesky little guys, try sprinkling cornmeal over the affected spot with a dustpan (or using any other flour product) every day until they go away. This should help dry out their nesting ground so they die off naturally.
How do you get rid of fire ants permanently?
The best way to get rid of fire ants permanently is by using a combination of methods. This can include baits, diatomaceous earth (DE), and insecticide sprays or dusts.
1) Baiting
Baiting consists of spreading out bait around the yard in areas where you have seen activity from ants. It’s important not to use too much bait so that it doesn’t attract non-target insects like bees which will end up feeding on the ant bait as well. One cup per 100 square feet should be enough for most people who are trying this technique alone without any other additional steps.*
2) Targeted treatment with DE
If your infestation has been long term then you may want to resort to targeted treatments with diatomaceous earth. Applying the dust like a liquid insecticide is an effective way to penetrate deep into cracks and crevices where ants are nesting, rendering them unable to breathe. It’s important to apply DE before it rains or dew forms on the lawn because this will cause it to clump up in large chunks which will be difficult for insects and people alike.
3) Insecticides
Insecticide sprays may also be used against fire ants that have been spotted in your yard if you can’t get rid of them through baiting alone. This treatment should only be applied once every year as necessary since repeated use would kill off all other beneficial insects in your environment (such as ladybugs). Alternatively, there are insecticides that can be applied as dusts which are more environmentally friendly, but may not get to the nests deep inside of your yard.
4) Combination
The best way to eliminate fire ants is by using a combination of diatomaceous earth and targeted insecticide sprays. Some people also use baiting methods on their own without any additional treatments. Others choose an organic option with DE instead of artificial chemical pesticides.
Also, you can try such things:
- Remove any items that may attract fire ants, such as fallen fruit or pet food scraps. Anything that has been left out overnight should be brought inside;
- Keep your house clean and free from clutter to reduce their nesting places and food sources – remove trash cans, piles of newspapers, unused furniture, clothes on the floor etc. This will make it harder for the little pests to find shelter in your home! You can also use insecticides around doors and windows to keep them away if they are getting into your house at night-time when you sleep (they’re very strong). Just be sure to read the labels carefully before you purchase any product;
- Place fire-ant bait stations around your house, and replace them every three months when their contents are gone (or they might not work). These stations contain poison that will kill the ants if they eat it; just be sure to keep children or pets away from these! You can also pour boiling water into ant mounds–the heat often kills both the adults and larvae inside;
- And don’t forget: always wear gloves while gardening in order to avoid being stung by a stray ant looking for food;
How do you get rid of fire ant mounds naturally?
Fire ants will be eliminated by using natural substances such as boiling water, dish soap, and a shovel. You can also use white sugar to bait them into their death trap.
Simply take some brown sugar or molasses mixed with boric acid powder on the inside of an empty soda bottle cap (or any other small container). Wrap this tightly in aluminum foil so that they cannot escape while waiting for the fire ants to arrive.
Once you have captured all of the mounds around your property, soak these areas thoroughly with hot steam from a kettle or pot-full of boiling water -this should kill off 95% of your problem at hand!
Do coffee grounds kill fire ants?
One of the more popular home remedies for fire ants is to pour coffee grounds all around the affected area or sprinkle them on top. Coffee grounds are acidic and have a smell that repels insects. However, they will not kill an ant colony – it’s too large of an operation.
Is fire ant killer poisonous to dogs?
Most fire ant killers are not poisonous to dogs. However, they might have a negative impact on them if they lick or chew the substance inadvertently. To be safe, you should wash your dog’s paws and muzzle after they’ve been outdoors for an extended period of time near where fire ants are active. This will remove any stray residue that could otherwise pose a danger to their overall health.
Will Dawn soap kill fire ants?
The answer is “yes” to a certain degree, but not in the way you’re probably expecting. Dawn does contain some ingredients that are toxic to ants, including an ingredient called di-sodium laureth sulfate (DSL) which works as both a surfactant and emulsifier for dish soap products. But if it’s only sprayed on fire ant mounds, it will have little effect because of how the chemicals react with soil type. You can also try spraying your lawn with diluted liquid detergent mixed with water or vinegar –though this method may be less effective than other methods.
Why do you have so many fire ants in your yard?
There are several reasons why a person might experience an infestation of fire ants in their lawn. The most common reason is the ant mound that was disturbed or destroyed by someone walking on it, which causes them to abandon ship and start looking for new homes. They’ll find your garden as tasty-looking ground zero because they love moist soil with nitrogen levels higher than other places.
Other possible sources include heavily watered areas, yards near rivers or wetlands (with plenty of mulch), gardens where animal manure has been used often and plastered against tree trunks, well-manicured lawns with low grasses like Bermuda grass (which ants don’t really eat).
Will vinegar kill fire ants?
Vinegar is a popular home remedy for many household problems, and it can be an effective fire ant killer. You will need to spray the vinegar directly onto any ants you see – don’t just pour some over them as they may not come in contact with enough of the substance. If your lawn has plants that are attractive to aphids or other insects, then make sure to keep all these areas clear of any spilled vinegar.
The best way to use this method on large populations would be by mixing equal parts water and white distilled vinegar in a pump-spray bottle or garden hose attachment fitted with a nozzle designed for misting flowers (a “flower mister”). Spray around bushes, trees, and other areas where you have seen ants.
Useful Video: How to Get Rid of Fire Ants in Your Yard – 2 Easy Options
Final thoughts
Hopefully, this guide has been helpful in making your decision a bit easier. The experts here would love to help you with any other questions you have about ant killers or pest control for your lawn, so don’t hesitate to contact them.
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