
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

5 Best Pet Safe Weed Killers

Best Pet Safe Weed Killers

Most recommended
Green GobblerGreen Gobbler Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer
  • 1 Gallon
  • Pet Safe
  • Certified by OMRI

A good choice too
Natural Armor Natural Armor Weed & Grass Killer All-Natural Concentrated Formula. Contains No Glyphosate
  • Size: 128-Ounce Gallon
  • See Results In Day
  • Free of Harmful Chemicals

A good choice too
Doctor KirchnerDoctor Kirchner Natural Weed Killer
  • Size: 2.5 gallon
  • No Mixing
  • No Glyphosate

Doctor KirchnerDoctor Kirchner Natural Weed Killer
  • 2 oz Trial Size
  • No Mixing
  • No Glyphosate

ECO Garden PRO ECO Garden PRO - Organic Vinegar Weed Killer
  • Size: 1 Gallon
  • See Results In Day
  • 100% Biodegradable

Choose the Best Pet Safe Weed Killer

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Pet Safe Weed Killers

216 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

80.09% of users selected Green Gobbler, 6.02% selected Natural Armor, 3.24% selected Doctor Kirchner, 1.85% selected Doctor Kirchner Spray and 8.8% selected ECO Garden PRO. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

Owners of private houses are concerned with the problem of combating weeds, which can greatly oppress cultivated plants, flowers, lawns, and so on. They negatively affect the root system, the stems, which greatly reduce the yield. To fight this scourge, you can resort to special means.

Cultivation of cultivated plants is impossible without weed control. Having figured out how to cultivate the land so that the grass does not grow, you can save time and energy.

The use of special weed killers has become the basis for the destruction of weeds in the garden or lawn. Weed killers gained popularity in the middle of the last century after they began to add ingredients that had more powerful capabilities. Due to this, herbicides have a variety of effects and effects on plants, in particular:

  • the number of ways of penetration of drugs into plants has increased;
  • there was a possibility of choosing a widespread or selective impact;
  • the preparations began to have a significant effect on the life processes of crops.

By the nature of the action, all herbicides are divided into contact and systemic ones. The first category includes killers that are effective only in the place of direct contact with the treated area. In this regard, systemic weed killers are more effective, since when the substance gets on some separate part of the weed plant, it quickly spreads throughout its aerial part and penetrates the root system, which soon leads to the death of the weed. Such preparations are also more profitable in economic terms since they can reduce the consumption of working fluid and quickly clear the land from weeds.

There is a fairly large assortment of similar products in gardening stores. However, choosing the most suitable product is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To make it easier for you to solve this problem, we decided to compile a rating of the best pet safe weed killers.

Table of Contents

Green Gobbler Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer | Natural and Organic Weed & Grass Killer– the best for speed of action

Green Gobbler Vinegar Weed & Grass KillerThe tool quickly kills grass and weeds and this is one of its main features. It can be used to control dandelions, moss, clover weeds and other weeds. The effect appears after a few hours: the foliage begins to turn yellow in places, and after 24 hours the whole plant bends.

The weed pain reliever contains 20% acetic acid. The product can be used anywhere, agricultural, industrial or domestic. It can be used from the container by using the system for spraying the product.
This weed control agent is free of toxic chemicals, cancer-causing agents, and does not contain glyphosate. It is made exclusively from corn-derived ethanol.

  • First effect in 24 hours;
  • No toxic chemicals;
  • No cancer-causing agents;
  • Easy-to-use;
  • Can be use everywhere.
  • Spray nozzle can work not very well.

It is free of chemicals and the main corn ingredient has been processed into a powerful natural acid. Using the spray nozzle, you can evenly distribute it. Upon contact with the agent, unwanted sleepers almost instantly begin to dry out. The maximum exposure time is 24 hours. Until that time, the weeds will dry out completely. You don’t have to worry about the health of your family, the safety of your pets. You will get the result; remove unnecessary weeds, without using harmful chemicals.

Natural Armor Weed and Grass Killer All-Natural Concentrated Formula. Contains No Glyphosate– the best for natural concentrated formula

Natural Armor Weed & Grass Killer All-Natural Concentrated Formula. Contains No GlyphosateThis weed control agent is used to kill more than 250 types of weeds. The product does not contain glyphosate but uses a natural concentrated formula. The tool does not need to be connected with other components, it is ready to use.

You put on a spray nozzle and treat areas with weeds and unwanted grass. The first results will be visible in a few hours. Manufacturers provide a 30-day weed control guarantee.

  • Easy to use;
  • No glyphosate;
  • Safe for human and pets;
  • 30-day money-back guarantee;
  • Kill more than 250 types of weeds;
  • Fast-acting;
  • Can be used anywhere.
  • Don`t use on rainy days;
  • The spraying system may leak.

Weedkiller without glyphosate is all-natural and organic. This drug is safe for humans and animals because it does not contain any poisons or chemicals. The product does not require stirring. It is the best alternative among natural weed killers. It can be used in any place, on sunny days, which contributes to an even faster effect on weeds.

Doctor Kirchner Natural Weed & Grass Killer (2.5 Gallon) No Hormone Disrupting Chemicals– the best for 8 types of use

Doctor Kirchner Natural Weed KillerThis product is sold in eight types of containers. Weed Control contains commercial strength food-grade vinegar, ocean saltwater, and soap. The product cannot be used on the lawn, but it is well suited for treating plants in flower beds.

This product does not contain glyphosate and hormone-disrupting chemicals and is not harmful to humans or animals.

  • Has spray system;
  • Not harmful for the environment, animals and humans;
  • Weeds turn brown in 12-24 hours;
  • Easy-to-use.
  • Doesn`t work on rainy days.

With this tool, you can maintain a landscape, flower beds, a weed-free garden. The product does not contain harmful ingredients, so children can continue to play outside after weed treatment. The weed killer is made with soap, commercial vinegar and seawater. After spraying, weeds begin to die within 12-24 hours. The product has a long shelf life, so you can buy the largest container that you will use for several years.

Doctor Kirchner Natural Weed & Grass Killer (2 oz Trial Size) No Hormone Disrupting Chemicals – the best for natural components

Doctor Kirchner Natural Weed KillerThe product contains vinegar, soap and sea salt. There are no harmful substances and chemicals in the composition; therefore, people and animals can be in the place of processing weeds.

It is recommended to use a sprayer to ensure that the solution only hits the weeds. If sprayed with improvised means, the solution can get on the cultivated plants, causing their death.

  • Low energy costs, significant savings in time and effort;
  • The ability to quickly spray large areas of the territory;
  • Relatively fast period of exposure to weeds;
  • The ability to effectively control even the most difficult and problematic weeds.
  • The possibility of using the drug only against adult plants;
  • Used depending on climatic conditions.
Destroys more than 50 types of weeds, but is not used on lawns. It causes the complete death of plants and their roots. It does not have soil activity – ideal for treating areas around trees, flower beds, between tiles.

ECO Garden PRO – Organic Vinegar Weed Killer | Kid Safe Pet Safe | Clover Killer for Lawns | Moss Killer | Green Grass & Poison Ivy Killer | Spray Ready Glyphosate Free Herbicide – the best for 24 HOURS POWERFUL PROPRIETARY FORMULATION

ECO Garden PRO - Organic Vinegar Weed KillerThe product is formulated to not harm children, animals, fish and bees. The safe formula works very quickly and the first results will be seen one hour after the weed treatment. Destruction and drying occur after 24 hours.

It can be used for industrial purposes, for home use or agricultural purposes. You can handle weeds on the sidewalk, concrete, flower beds and more. It contains natural white vinegar, biodegradable plant activators, rock salt and fermentation co-factors.
This weed killer is suitable for killing clover, poison ivy, moss and common weeds and grass. The product is safe for groundwater and does not contain phosphates.

  • Easy-to-use;
  • The ability to quickly spray large areas of the territory;
  • Exposure time to weeds up to 24 hours.
  • Doesn`t work on rainy days.

Such a solution can even “neutralize” the most stable weed “pest” forever. The effectiveness is also enhanced for the reason that acetic acid destroys not only the ground part but also the root system. If only small weeds grow in the garden, it is recommended to dilute the solution by adding water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Buyer`s guide

How to use it correctly

The vinegar substance has a short oxidizing activity; in the rainy season, the soil quickly restores its normal pH after pickling. But the facing layer of paving slabs can become unusable if salty compounds are often used.

How to exterminate weeds near curbs, concrete paths and sidewalks:

  • use undiluted vinegar essence, which can be applied with a wide paintbrush;
  • spray the solution between the fragments of the tiles;
  • if the strength of the coating allows, water the place where the seedlings appear.


Use must be carried out safely. It is not recommended to increase the proportions – safe substances taken in large quantities can enter into a strong chemical reaction, emit toxic fumes. The garden sprayer must be flushed with a large volume of flowing liquid. The use of the compositions is unacceptable during the wind – fine particles of the liquid will get on the skin or beneficial plants.

Final Words

Weed killers with vinegar-based recipes is a proven method. The amazing properties of vinegar-based products can help fight weeds in your garden. This product will kill weeds forever. The use of environmentally friendly and harmless herbicides in your garden will help to destroy sprouted weeds, prevent abundant seed germination after rains.

It is possible to remove perennial plants with a powerful root system only with regular efforts, and for this, it is not necessary to buy products that include phosphates and chemicals.


So, what’s a weed killer? This is a product used to eliminate the unwanted vegetation in the garden or lawn – in other words, to control weeds. And if you want to get rid of weeds, it’s better to use safe substances than to poison the soil and pets or small children.

After all, powerful chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides can end up in groundwater and surface water, so it is important to consider the long-term consequences of their use and make the right choices! It is best to focus on pet-friendly herbicides that will not contaminate the water they and you drink.

A few great pet-safe weed killers in the U.S. market:

  1. Green Gobbler is a one-gallon remedy certified by OMRI. It is fully safe for pets and small children;
  2. Natural Armor allows seeing the first signs in a day. It is completely free of harmful chemicals;
  3. Doctor Kirchner is a 2.5-gallon weed killer that requires no mixing, without glyphosate;
  4. Doctor Kirchner is a trial version of their popular pet-safe weed killer. It requires no mixing and contains no glyphosate;
  5. ECO Garden PRO is a one-gallon that is 100% biodegradable;

If you picked special weed killers, apply them on the sunny, windless day, preferably in the morning. Read the instructions. As a rule, it says that you should keep a pet off grass at least in 4 days when the chemical becomes safe for people and pets. In general, all herbicide chemicals decompose in the soil within a month.

Homemade weed killer that is 100% safe for pets

Sodium chloride or just salt is an effective pet-safe herbicide and was used for many years to control weeds in ancient times (salting the fields prevented the growth of all plants). Since salt can have harmful effects on the soil, it is important to apply it directly only to weed leaves. Never use it directly on the soil.

It is easy to make a salt solution for pet-friendly weed control:

  • Dissolve the salt in hot water with the ratio 1:8 (the solution can be made even steeper – with 1:3 ratio);
  • Add a small amount of liquid soap (so that homemade herbicide can stick to the leaf surfaces) and pour it into a sprayer;
  • Before applying – protect (just cover) the plants you want to keep and then spray the solution on the weed’s leaves;
  • Be careful to keep this mixture away from the cemented sidewalks because this solution can make the driveways and pathways discolored;

Do you need more information about pet-friendly weed killers? Check the video tutorial explaining how homemade weed killers work for pathways and lawns where kids and pets walk. I also encourage you to leave feedback about your ways to deal with weeds and keep your pets safe at the same time.


Are there any weed killers that are specifically safe for pets?

If you’re concerned about safety, there are several weed killers on the market that are safe to use around pets. Although it is vital, reading labels and following their instructions can be tedious. Although some products may not be harmful when used as directed, pets can still suffer if they ingest them. Also, keep in mind that just because a product is labeled as “pet-safe” does not mean it is completely safe. Keep your furry friends away from the area where you applied the product until it has completely dried.

Is Roundup weed killer pet friendly?

No, Roundup is not considered pet friendly. Even if the product will not hurt them when used as directed, it is always best to keep pets away from sprayed areas until the product has dried.

Although there are plenty of weed killers that work just as well and don’t pose a threat to pets, they aren’t always marketed as such. With so many products on the market, it can be tough to decide which weed killer is best for your pet. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top-rated options available.

Is salt and vinegar weed killer safe for dogs?

Your dog will be safe around salt and vinegar weed killer if you use the correct amount. Salt and vinegar are natural ingredients that are not harmful to dogs if ingested in small amounts. However, salt and vinegar can be irritating to a dog’s skin and eyes, so it is important to use this method of weed control only in areas where your dog cannot access.

How long after spraying weed killer is it safe for cats?

Weed killers are designed to kill plants – that’s their job. And while they are not typically harmful to animals, you still need to take care when using them.

As a general rule, you should wait at least 24 hours after spraying weed killer before letting your cat onto the treated area. This gives the chemicals time to break down and become safe for animals.

Of course, you should always read the label on your weed killer before use, as some products may have different instructions.

What is a natural alternative to Roundup?

There are many natural alternatives to Roundup that are safe for pets. Some of the most popular ones include vinegar, salt, and soap. Vinegar is an acidic liquid that can kill weeds by burning them. Salt can also be used to kill weeds by dehydrating them. Soap can be used to kill weeds by suffocating them.

What kills weeds but won’t hurt dogs?

While nobody enjoys looking at a weed-infested lawn, even fewer people want to use potentially harmful chemicals that could damage their pets. Nowadays, you can purchase pet-safe weed killers that are just as effective as regular ones, but won’t harm your animals.

Will vinegar in the yard hurt dogs?

Yes, vinegar can be harmful to dogs if they ingest it. While the acidity of vinegar is not strong enough to cause serious damage, it can irritate your dog’s digestive system and lead to vomiting and diarrhea. If you want to kill the weeds in your yard using vinegar, wait until the mixture has dissipated before letting your dog near the area.

What happens if a cat licks weed killer?

Weed killers are designed to be toxic to plants, so it’s no surprise that they can be dangerous to animals if ingested. There are a variety of symptoms that your cat may experience if they have been poisoned by weed killer, from mild (vomiting, diarrhea) to severe (seizures, kidney failure). If you think your cat has ingested weed killer, call your veterinarian or the APCC right away.

What happens if my cat eats grass with weed killer on it?

If your cat eats grass that has been treated with weed killer, it is likely that they will experience stomach upset and vomiting. In more serious cases, they may suffer from organ damage or failure. If you are concerned that your cat has eaten weed killer, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

Is vinegar safer than Roundup?

The weed killer Roundup is most popular for its use of the chemical glyphosate. Glyphosate has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization, and it can be harmful to pets if they ingest it. Vinegar, on the other hand, is a safe and natural weed killer that won’t harm your pet if they happen to eat some.

How long is Roundup toxic to dogs?

Roundup is an herbicide that stops plants from being able to produce amino acids, thus providing crowd control for weeds. The active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, is not acutely toxic to dogs. However, it can cause irritation if it comes into contact with your dog’s skin or eyes. In rare cases, ingestion of large amounts of glyphosate can lead to kidney damage.

Is Roundup safe for dogs after drying?

The short answer is no. While Roundup (glyphosate) is not highly toxic to dogs, it can still cause gastrointestinal upset if consumed in large quantities. Additionally, the chemicals in Roundup can be absorbed through the skin, so it’s important to keep your dog away from treated areas until the chemical has dried completely.

If you want a weed killer that is safe for your pets, there are many options on the market that use different ingredients than glyphosate. When used as directed, these products are safe to use around both pets and children.

What is the best way to get rid of weeds without using toxic chemicals?

Weed killers that contain herbicides can be safe for pets if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to read the entire label before using any weed killer, and follow these best practices:

  • Make sure to only use products that are safe for both pets and children by checking the label before using them.
  • Apply weed killers only to areas where weeds are present, and avoid contact with grass or other plants.
  • Keep pets and children at a safe distance from areas where you’ve sprayed weed killer until the chemicals have had time to dry.

Video Tutorial: Homemade Weed Killer for Pathways & Driveways Kid/Pet Safe