
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Kill Grass in Sidewalk Cracks?

How to Kill Grass in Sidewalk Cracks?

Grass in sidewalk cracks is a common problem for homeowners. Not only does it make your sidewalk look unsightly, but it can also be a safety hazard. In this article, we will provide you with the ultimate guide to killing grass in sidewalk cracks. We will answer some of the most common questions that people have about this topic, and we will also provide you with some useful tips that will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Why Does Grass Grow in Sidewalk Cracks

Grass is a resilient plant that can grow in all kinds of conditions. When it comes to sidewalks, the cracks and crevices provide the perfect opportunity for grass to take root and thrive due to the lack of competition from other plants or animals.

The right combination of soil, sun, and water makes these small spaces hospitable for grasses. Seeds naturally spread through wind, rain, birds and animals so if there are any nearby lawns or gardens with grass seeds then chances are some will find their way into the sidewalk cracks. If there is enough dirt present and some sunlight then germination can occur.

Grasses love moisture so if there is plenty of rainfall or nearby sources such as sprinklers this provides the perfect environment for the plant to thrive. The soil in sidewalk cracks will often be compacted and not have much drainage so it holds moisture well and keeps grasses hydrated.

Grasses are hardy plants, able to survive for a while even when they’re deprived of nutrients. Additionally, grass is resilient and tends to regrow quickly if disturbed which allows it to reestablish itself faster than other plants in these small spaces.

All the above combinations of factors makes sidewalk cracks an ideal environment for grass to take root and grow vigorously. As long as there is a source of seeds nearby, enough moisture and sunlight then chances are you’ll end up with a patch of green in between your concrete slabs which can be pretty annoying at times! [1], [2], [3]

Why Does Grass Grow in Sidewalk Cracks

What is the Best Time of the Year For the Treatment?

If you decide to use chemical treatments to get rid of the grass in your sidewalk cracks then the best time to do it is during the spring and summer months. The warmer temperatures will help activate the chemicals while also providing more adequate sunlight for any other plants that you’d like to try and establish in place of the grass.

Choose the season based on the type of weeds you’re trying to get rid of and the type of treatment you’re using. It is important to note that timing is key when using any type of herbicide or pesticide as this can make a big difference in its effectiveness. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and ensure you are applying it correctly for optimal results.

Ways to Kill Grass in Sidewalk Cracks

Now that you know why grass grows in sidewalk cracks and the best time of year to treat them, it’s time to look at some of the ways you can get rid of it. In this section, we’ll be exploring the various methods of killing grass in sidewalk cracks and the pros and cons associated with each.

Ways to Kill Grass in Sidewalk Cracks

Use traditional weed killer

The most well-known way to kill grass in sidewalk cracks is spot-treat it with traditional weed killers. These poisons contain active ingredients that are designed to target and kill the specific type of weeds you’re trying to get rid of.

When using a traditional weed killer on your sidewalk, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully as they will vary depending on the product used. It is also important to note that these products can be toxic and so should be handled with caution and kept out of reach from children and animals.

Glyphosate is one of the most commonly used active ingredients in weed killers and has been found to be effective against many types of grasses. This is typically available in either a liquid or granular form and should be applied directly onto the grass when it’s actively growing.

Spot-treating the weeds in your sidewalk cracks can be tricky, so it’s important to ensure you cover all of the affected areas. If done correctly, this should effectively kill the grass and provide lasting results for up to a few months.

One pro associated with using this method is that it’s quick and easy, simply spray or spread the product over the affected area and wait for results. However, this method does come with some drawbacks such as its potential toxicity, the risk of surface runoff if it rains shortly afterwards and the possibility that it may not be effective on tougher weeds. Additionally, it may need to be repeated several times in order to achieve complete control of the weeds.

Once you get rid of dead grass, you will need to seal the cracks to prevent new weeds from taking root. Use an asphalt-based caulk or a sealant designed for pavement and apply it directly on the crack.

Vinegar method

Most people are familiar with the vinegar method as a natural and inexpensive way to kill grass. The acetic acid in vinegar can act as a herbicide, burning away the blades of grass and preventing it from growing back.

To use this method, simply pour an even layer of white distilled vinegar over your sidewalk cracks. You can also mix one cup of salt with 1 gallon of vinegar to further increase its effectiveness. Leave the concoction on the crack for at least 24 hours before hosing down or sweeping away any dead grass.

Keep in mind that this method isn’t as effective as traditional weed killer and you may find yourself having to repeat the process every couple of weeks in order to keep the weeds at bay. One pro associated with using this method is that it’s safe and natural, so there are no toxins or poisons released into the environment.

Vinegar method

Manual pulling

Another method of killing grass in sidewalk cracks is manual removal. This involves physically removing the weeds from their roots by either digging them out or using a tool such as a weeding fork.

This method is best done when the soil is moist as this will make it easier to remove the weeds and their roots. Some people also prefer doing it after a rainfall has recently occurred as this helps soften the ground making it easier to work with. It is important to be careful when manually removing weeds as you could damage the surrounding area.

Manual removal is a great way of targeting small patches of grass in your sidewalk cracks and can provide quick results if done correctly. However, it is not recommended for large areas or for any type of established weed infestation as this would take too much time and effort to do effectively.

Disposing the weeds properly is also a key step in manual removal. It is best to put them in a bag and throw them away, as opposed to leaving them on the ground where they can quickly spread roots or be eaten by animals. Drying the weeds out before disposal can also be beneficial as this will help to prevent any regrowth.

Boiling water method

Another simple way to get rid of grass in sidewalk cracks is by using boiling water. Boiling water will kill any plants it comes into contact with, including grass and weeds, so this can be an easy and effective solution for tackling troublesome patches.

Before you begin, make sure to cover up any nearby plants or flowers that you don’t want to damage with a tarp or cloth as the boiling water may affect them too. Boil the water in a large pot or kettle then carefully pour it over the affected area until all of the grass has been drenched. This method is ideal for smaller areas but may not be practical for larger patches of grass as you’ll need quite a bit of water to cover it completely.

Be sure to wear gloves and safety goggles when pouring the water to protect yourself from splashes. Also, be aware that boiling water can damage concrete surfaces so take extra caution if you’re in an area with sidewalks or driveways nearby.

Once the grass has wilted, you will need to remove it from the sidewalk cracks as soon as possible. Use a shovel or hoe to dig out any remaining roots and debris then use caulk or crack filler to seal up the cracks and prevent any new grass or weeds from growing.

Keep in mind that this method isn’t sureproof and the grass may regrow in a few weeks or months. If that happens, you can repeat the process again to ensure complete eradication.

Boiling water method

Baking soda

Baking soda is a great natural way to rid your sidewalk cracks of grass. It works by drawing out the moisture from the plant’s roots, essentially dehydrating them and killing off the grass. To use this method, you simply need to sprinkle the baking soda on and around your sidewalk cracks. You may want to mix it with some water first so that it sticks better and is more effective.

The great thing about this method is that it’s totally natural, so no harsh chemicals are required for use. Additionally, it’s relatively inexpensive and doesn’t require a lot of effort on your part besides sprinkling the powder.

The downside is that this method can be time-consuming and may take a few applications before you start to see results. [1], [2], [3]

Things to Keep in Mind

So now that you know some of the best methods for killing grass in sidewalk cracks, there are a few things to keep in mind when undertaking this task.

Area preparation

No matter which method you use, it’s important to begin by doing some area preparation. Remove any debris or rocks from the affected area using a shovel or trowel and clear away any dead grass or weeds that are already present. This will make it easier to treat the area with weed killer, boiling water, or manual removal.

You also want to move furniture or other objects away from the area that you’re treating in order to avoid any potential damage or staining.

Consider nearby plants

It’s also important to consider any nearby plants or flowers when using weed killers, boiling water, or manual removal. Weed killers and boiling water can damage delicate plants so make sure to cover them up prior to using either of these methods.

When doing manual removal, take extra care not to accidentally pull up any of the surrounding plants as this could damage their roots and cause them to die.

Take safety precautions in mind

Finally, safety should be a priority when killing grass in sidewalk cracks. Wear gloves and safety goggles when handling any chemical weed killers or boiling water to protect yourself from coming into contact with harmful substances.

In addition, keep children and pets away from the area while you’re working and afterwards as they could accidentally come into contact with the weeds or chemicals that you’re using. By following these simple precautions, you can safely and effectively get rid of any unwanted grass in sidewalk cracks. [1]


Why is there grass on the sidewalk?

Grass often grows in sidewalk cracks because of the combination of sun, water, and soil. The opening in the pavement provides a perfect place for grass to grow and spread its roots throughout.

When grass is allowed to stay in those cracks without any maintenance, it will quickly become overgrown and cause an obstruction or trip hazard on the sidewalk. It can also crack the concrete further as it spreads deep into the foundation. This is why it’s important to remove any existing grass before laying down new concrete or patching up existing cracks.

Why is there grass on the sidewalk?

Does herbicide kill weeds in cracks?

Yes, herbicide can be used to kill weeds in sidewalk cracks. Herbicides are chemical compounds designed to selectively kill certain plants without harming other ones. Depending on the type of herbicide you use, it can target different types of plants, including grass and broadleaf weeds.

When using a herbicide to kill grass in a sidewalk crack, you’ll need to be careful with the application and specific directions as outlined by the manufacturer. To ensure optimal results and safety from overspray onto nearby vegetation, always wear protective gear such as gloves, long sleeves, closed-toe shoes and eyewear when spraying or spreading herbicides. Additionally, it’s important to remember that some products may require multiple applications for complete efficacy against weed growth.

Will vinegar kill grass?

Vinegar is an effective way to kill grass in sidewalk cracks as it can penetrate deep into the soil, but how long it will take to get rid of all the vegetation depends on a few factors. The type of grass you are trying to eliminate will play a role in how quickly vinegar works. For example, tougher and more resilient varieties such as Bermuda or crabgrass may take longer to die than less hardy types like fescue.

The strength of the vinegar solution also affects its effectiveness. Stronger mixtures work faster than weaker solutions, so make sure that you dilute your vinegar properly before applying it if necessary. Additionally, environmental factors such as temperature and moisture levels can impact how quickly the vinegar takes effect.

What kills grass naturally?

Grass can be killed naturally with a variety of methods. One of the most effective ways to kill grass is by using a vinegar solution. To make a vinegar solution, mix one gallon of white or apple cider vinegar with a cup of salt. This solution should be applied directly to the grass with a spray bottle or garden sprayer. Be sure to evenly distribute the mixture so that all areas of the grass are covered.

The salt in the vinegar solution will dehydrate and kill the grass, while also preventing it from regrowing for several months. Alternatively, you can use boiling water to quickly kill small patches of grass. However, this method is not as effective as using a vinegar solution because it does not prevent regrowth.

Useful Video: Get Rid of Weeds in Sidewalk and Driveway Cracks


Grass in sidewalks is a common problem but it doesn’t have to be a difficult one. With the right approach, you can quickly and easily kill grass in sidewalk cracks.

In this article, we explored various methods of killing grass in sidewalk cracks, including chemical herbicides, vinegar and manual techniques. Ultimately, the best method for you will depend upon your specific situation. If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution, then chemical herbicides are likely to be your best bet. On the other hand, if you’d prefer not to use chemicals or have a larger area to treat, then mechanical tools or manual techniques may be more suitable. Whichever approach you choose, with the tips provided here you can confidently kill grass in your sidewalk cracks with minimal effort and cost.

It’s important to remember that prevention is often better than cure – so make sure to keep sidewalks clear from debris to reduce the risk of grass growing in sidewalk cracks. With the right approach, you can keep your sidewalks clear and free from weeds for years to come.

Good luck and happy gardening! 🙂


  1. https://vertdure.com/en/blog/article/how-to-stop-grass-from-growing-in-concrete-.57
  2. https://www.thespruce.com/grass-in-driveway-patio-sidewalk-cracks-2153097
  3. https://www.wikilawn.com/weeds/getting-rid-of-grass-in-driveway-cracks/