
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Get Rid of Tall Fescue?

How to Get Rid of Tall Fescue?

Tall fescue is a type of grass that can be found in many yards across the United States. While it is a great option for those who want to have a green lawn, it can be difficult to get rid of once it has taken over. In this epic guide, we will answer some common questions about how to get rid of tall fescue and provide some useful tips that will help you achieve your desired results!

What is Tall Fescue Grass and How to Identify It?

Tall fescue is a type of bladed grass that grows in temperate climates and prefers full sun to partial shade. Tall fescue has a deep, fibrous root system and forms dense clumps of long, coarse leaves. The blades are usually dark green, but can range from yellow-green to blue-green depending on the variety.

Identifying tall fescue is relatively easy if you know what you’re looking for. First, look at the leaf blades—they should be long (4 – 8 inches) and have an elongated shape with pointed tips. Second, check for a waxy coating on the leaves—this is a telltale sign of tall fescue grass.

While tall fescue is a very popular grass for lawns, it can quickly become unmanageable if not kept in check. When allowed to grow unchecked, tall fescue can spread into other areas of your lawn and take over. This is why it’s important to know how to get rid of tall fescue if you have it on your property. [1], [2], [3]

How to Get Rid of Tall Fescue

So, how do you get rid of tall fescue? The best way to control tall fescue is to use a combination of cultural and chemical methods. In this guide, we’ll talk about both.

How to Get Rid of Tall Fescue

Dig it out manually

Manual removal is the best way to get rid of small patches of tall fescue. The process involves digging out smaller sections and removing them from your lawn. To do this, use a shovel or spade to dig around the perimeter of the patch you want to remove. Then, carefully lift up the section of grass and roots and transfer it to an area away from your lawn (preferably an area with no grass). It’s crucial to dry the grass and dispose of it properly after removal.

You may have to repeat this several times in order to get rid of all of the tall fescue on your property. Make sure you are thorough when digging—if any rhizomes (roots) remain in the soil, they can quickly spread and regrow.

Perform a chemical treatment

By far the most effective way to get rid of tall fescue is with a chemical treatment. This can be done either with liquid or granular herbicides, depending on your preference. There are several products available specifically designed for controlling tall fescue, including Roundup and its generic equivalents.

Eraser 41% is another popular herbicide choice for getting rid of tall fescue. It’s a post-emergent, selective herbicide that works quickly and effectively. Keep in mind that this herbicide is non-selective, meaning it will kill any grasses and weeds, not just tall fescue.

When using these products, it’s important to read and follow all the instructions carefully. Some products require multiple applications in order to be fully effective, so make sure you understand how often applications must be made in order to achieve maximum results. You should also use caution when applying any type of chemicals; wear protective clothing and gloves as directed by the manufacturer.

Perform a chemical treatment

Apply vinegar

Another cheap and effective way to get rid of tall fescue is to use vinegar. Vinegar is an acid and will kill the grass blades without affecting the roots. It’s important to note that this method only works if you catch the tall fescue early, before it has a chance to spread and establish a deep root system.

You won’t need to dilute the vinegar for this method, but you should be careful not to get any desirable plants in your lawn as it will kill them as well. To apply the vinegar, put on some gloves and a long-sleeved shirt to protect yourself from the acidic liquid. Then, spray the vinegar directly onto the tall fescue patches and allow the grass to soak it all in.

You can definitely use the household white vinegar you have in your kitchen for this, but for better results, we recommend using a specialty product that includes vinegar in the ingredients. These products are specially formulated to kill weeds and grasses quickly and effectively.

Contact a professional

If everything else fails, you may want to consider hiring a professional lawn care company to take care of your tall fescue problem. Professional lawn care companies have the experience and know-how to tackle even the toughest jobs, so they’re definitely worth considering if you’re looking for a long-term solution to your tall fescue problem.

You can also personally ask for tips and advice from the professionals about how to get rid of tall fescue. They’ll be able to provide you with invaluable insight that can help you make your lawn look its best in no time. [1], [2], [3]

How to Prevent Tall Fescue Grass

As you can see, there’s plenty of options to get rid of tall fescue grass, but it’s always better to prevent it in the first place. Tall fescue is more likely to grow in areas with poor soil quality and low levels of nutrients, so improving the fertility of your lawn can help prevent future infestations. Now we will discuss what you can do to prevent tall fescue from taking over your lawn.

How to Prevent Tall Fescue Grass

Water your lawn with care

It’s important to note that tall fescue thrives in poorly drained soil, so you’ll need to water your lawn correctly to prevent it from setting up shop. If you have a sprinkler system, make sure it’s set up properly and provides deep, infrequent waterings. For best results, you should water it once a week. This will encourage deep root growth and discourage tall fescue from taking over your lawn.

Maintain a proper soil aeration

Soil aeration is a key factor in preventing tall fescue infestations. Soil compaction and poor water drainage can create an environment where tall fescue thrives, so it’s important to maintain consistent soil aeration. The best way to do this is by using an aerator or rake to open up the compacted soil and introduce air pockets into the ground. This will help keep your lawn healthy and prevent tall fescue from taking over.

Mow your lawn regularly

Regular mowing is crucial for keeping tall fescue at bay. By cutting the grass off, you are preventing it from growing too quickly and taking over your lawn. Mow your lawn weekly or biweekly depending on how quickly it is growing and what height works best for you. Make sure to keep your blade sharp since dull blades can damage the tips of the grass and make them more susceptible to disease.

Maintain a fertilization schedule

Fertilizing your lawn regularly is an important part of preventing tall fescue. Choose a fertilizer that is balanced and complete, such as one that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts. Fertilize your lawn two times per year: once in the spring and then again in the fall. Make sure to follow the directions on the fertilizer package for application rate and frequency. [1], [2]


Why do people not like tall fescue?

Tall fescue is not favored by many homeowners because it has an aggressive growth habit and can be difficult to control. This is especially true when the turfgrass is planted in a small area. Tall fescue is also toxic to horses and can cause health problems. You definitely don’t want it growing in an area where pets or livestock graze.

Tall fescue also is prone to choking out other grasses, causing an undesirable patchy look to your lawn. It’s also more susceptible to disease and pests than other turfgrass varieties.

Why do people not like tall fescue?

How do I stop fescue from taking over?

The most effective way to stop fescue from taking over is by using herbicides. To use them, start by selecting the right product for your lawn. Look for a broad-spectrum herbicide such as glyphosate that will do a good job of targeting the tall fescue, while also leaving other grasses and plants unharmed.

Once you’ve selected an herbicide, apply it according to the instructions on the label. When applying, be sure to wear appropriate protective gear and follow all safety precautions listed on the packaging. After application, wait at least two weeks before mowing or allowing others access to the treated areas of your lawn. This will give time for the herbicides to take effect and also reduce the risk of coming into contact with the residue.

Can we get rid of tall fescue without using the chemicals?

Yes, you can get rid of tall fescue without using chemicals. The best way to do this is by physically removing the grass from your lawn or garden. This can be done through hand-pulling or with a power rake. If you choose to use a power rake, make sure it is set properly so that it doesn’t damage the roots of other plants in the soil.

Another way to get rid of tall fescue without using chemicals is by smothering it with mulch or plastic sheeting. Mulch will not only block light and eventually kill off the tall fescue, but it will also help keep moisture in the soil and fertilize nearby plants as well.

How do you manage tall fescue?

Managing tall fescue requires multiple steps and various techniques. The easiest way to deal with it is by performing a chemical treatment, but this may not always be the most effective option.

The first step for managing tall fescue is to identify where it’s growing and how much of it exists in your lawn. Once you know what areas are affected, then you can determine which type of treatment will work best for your situation.

If a chemical treatment is the route you want to take, there are several products available on the market specifically designed to kill tall fescue grasses, such as Roundup and Eraser 41%. These types of products will usually require two applications with an interval of about four weeks between them in order to have any effect on the tall fescue growth in your lawn.

What chemical kills fescue?

The best chemical to use for getting rid of tall fescue is a selective herbicide containing 2,4-D or Eraser 41%. This combination will effectively kill tall fescue without harming other types of grass in the lawn. Either of these two herbicides can be applied to the lawn as a spray or with a spreader.

It is important to use these products according to the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective clothing when applying them. Additionally, it is important to note that these chemicals may kill other types of plants as well so care should be taken when using them near desirable plants.

Useful Video: How to get rid of tall fescue


Tall fescue can be an invasive grass that’s difficult to get rid of, but with the right approach you can successfully remove it from your yard. Luckily for you, there are plenty of methods you can use to get rid of tall fescue. From physical removal and chemical sprays, to reseeding the area with a new grass type, you have plenty of options to choose from.

In this article we have covered a variety of methods, starting with chemical removal and then highlighting other approaches. We have also gone over the pros and cons of each approach so that you can make an informed decision when choosing which method to use.

And if you’re having a tough time getting rid of tall fescue, don’t forget that you can always call in the professionals. Professional landscapers have all the necessary tools and expertise to get rid of the invasive grass safely and quickly.

Ultimately, your success will depend on the size of the area affected and how much time and effort you are willing to put in. No matter what, it is important to be patient – early results may not be visible right away, but with time and hard work, you’ll eventually get rid of tall fescue for good!  Good luck!


  1. https://www.solutionsstores.com/how-to-get-rid-of-tall-fescue-grass
  2. https://wemowdallas.com/how-to-get-rid-of-tall-fescue-clumps/
  3. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/specific/tall-fescue-grass/how-to-control-tall-fescue-weeds.htm