- Milorganite
- Size: 5-Pound
- Garden Care organic

- Made from Feather Meal
- Safe for kids and pets
- Environmentally friendly

- For a healthy lawn
- Organic formula
- Size 18 pounds

- Brand: Milorganite
- Plastic bags of 32 pounds
- Persons Protective Gloves

- Entirely natural granular
- Nitrogen-rich formula
- 6 lb
Choose the Best Organic Lawn Fertilizer
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Organic Lawn Fertilizers
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Organic lawn fertilizers are a great option for those who want to take a natural, eco-friendly approach to lawn care.
They offer many benefits over traditional chemical fertilizers and pesticides, including:
- reduced risk of pesticide runoff into streams and rivers;
- less need for water as they use organic matter from the soil as their nutrient source instead of synthetic substances that have been manufactured in factories;
- better weed control as they don’t rely on toxic chemicals as an herbicide;
In this guide, experts will discuss what makes them so effective at keeping your yard healthy while also being kind to Mother Nature.
Table of Contents
Milorganite 0605 Fertilizer – the Editor’s choice!

This fertilizer is great since it may be used all year and does not cause the grass to burn. This fertilizer is beneficial for tender grass as it keeps it hydrated. For lush, green grass with an appealing look, this fertilizer is strongly suggested.
It’s composed of “organic composition” which simply means heat-dried microorganisms from waste materials. It isn’t human feces, but rather byproducts from Milwaukee businesses like the MillerCoors plant.
Espoma EOLB30 Fertilizer – the best slow-release formula!

Another interesting thing we noticed is that the nitrogen is released at a slower rate. It’s 2.5 times slower than other companies, which is great for the soil. This ensures that the soil has a constant supply of nitrogen. It makes the soil healthy and preserves it in this condition for weeks at a time.
Calcium is also important. It not only increases soil health, but it also has calcium in it, which makes the dirt healthier. It provides all of the required components without scorching the ground. You may apply it without fear of burning or encouraging bacterial growth.
The Espoma fertilizer is as natural as it gets, and it’s not cheesy at all. This fertilizer is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making it a suitable choice for families with children and pets in the yard.
Espoma EOLF28 Lawn Food – the best for any season!

With no pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides, the fertilizer is completely natural and far safer than most lawn fertilizers on the market. If you spill it, you can simply scoop it up and have no worries about a burned yard next season. It’s also one of the longest-lasting and effective lawn fertilizers available.
Espoma All-Season Fertilizer is popular among homeowners who say it works so effectively that it causes grass to crowd out weeds, in addition to providing their yard the lush appearance they’ve been looking for.
Milorganite 0636 Fertilizer – the best for dark green lawns!

Milorganite is ideal for growing grasses, trees, vegetables, and flowers, as it is specifically created for them. It’s an exceptional seed carrier that meets the EPA’s Exceptional Quality standards, which are known for being extremely stringent in the fertilizer industry.
This fertilizer includes four percent non-staining iron in its long-lasting formula, which allows you to cut mowing time and watering requirements while maintaining your grass beautifully green without growth. In other words, it combines good grass with energy efficiency. Because of its natural composition, you may go heavier and add some extra top growth without fear of scorching your grass.
Down to Earth Organic Bio-Turf Mix – the best for vegetable gardens!

It is a natural granular grass fertilizer with a slow, constant nutrient release and the objective of encouraging deep root development to help reduce watering needs.
The nitrogen-rich formulation promotes early season development while its extra potassium helps to reduce stress from temperature change and drought. Bio-Turf is also great for garden veggies like corn, tomatoes, and leafy greens.
The Buyer’s Guide
Why Should You Pick Organic Lawn Fertilizers?
There are several advantages for both you and your grass when using an organic fertilizer.
For one, organic fertilizers are slow-release, which means your grass will get the nutrients it needs over an extended period of time. This is opposed to a synthetic fertilizer that will release all its nutrients at once, causing some to be lost to runoff and leaching while also potentially burning your plants.
And finally, organic fertilizers are made from natural materials rather than chemicals so they won’t harm you or the environment when used as directed.The major advantage of using organic soil is that it adds organic matter to the soil and, as a result, improves nutrient exchange. The soil has trillions of microorganisms, which are an essential component of the ecosystem and that consume synthetic fertilizer.
When the soil is in good condition, it can retain more moisture and attract a greater number of earthworms. Earthworms are the most basic and dependable method to naturally increase aeration and drainage, as well as being chock-full of nutrients that plants crave.
One of the major advantages of organic fertilizer is that it may endure for a long time. Because organic matter takes longer to break down, these chemicals remain in the dirt for months, and they are frequently kept there by rain or severe weather.
You may apply any fertilizer you like, but certain ones are worth considering. There are various types of fertilizers on the market today. They provide slowly released nutrients in such a manner that the lawn gets what it needs without being over-stimulated. Grass grows at a good rate and in an even pattern, so you don’t have to mow as often as you would with traditional grass.
One of the most significant advantages of using natural fertilizers is that they don’t produce hazardous, poisonous chemicals. You won’t have to worry about spills or laborious cleanups if you use too many, so having a lot isn’t a problem.
Those are only two examples of how you could use those. They’re great for grass, of course. They get all the essential resources and fewer shortages, as well as stronger foundations.
The growth of vegetation becomes more difficult for them as vegetation grows better, making lawns less prone to insect infestation and weed sprouting [1].
You can also use these fertilizers on flower beds, trees, and bushes. The same principles apply to all types of plants that you would want to fertilize with organic matter. The benefits are the same; they just may take a little longer to show up.
Organic fertilizer is not only great for your garden but it’s also good for the environment. When you’re using organic fertilizer, there’s no runoff or leaching because the nutrients are released slowly into the soil. This means that less fertilizer ends up in our waterways where it can cause algae blooms and serious water pollution problems.
In order to have a beautiful green lawn without any of the harmful effects synthetic fertilizers can have on you, your soil, and the environment, try using organic fertilizer instead.
Types of Organic Lawn Fertilizer [2]
1) Plant-based
Fertilizers that are dependent on plants will not survive as long as other sustainable options, although they are usually the safest means to prepare the soil. One of the main benefits of plant-based fertilizers is that they can keep dry fields wet for extended periods of time. Plant-based fertilizers include alfalfa meal, manure, cotton meal, legumes, and molasses-related ingredients.
2) Animal-based
The majority of fertilizers on the market contain animal flesh, compost, and blood meal. They provide a lot of nitrogen to the soil and are ideal for seeding the grass first or throughout the planting season.
3) Mineral-based
Calcium or Epsom salts are organic mineral-based fertilizers that can supply required minerals to the soil while also raising the pH. This is sometimes necessary for optimal development, and a mineral-based organic fertilizer is an excellent approach to accomplish it.
Main Features:
Granular vs. liquid
Liquid and granular organic fertilizers are combined with natural bacteria in the soil. When bacterial and fungus consume the natural components in the fertilizer, they discharge micronutrients at a controlled rate as well as in a form that is readily accessible for plants.
The difference between liquid and dry organic fertilizers is the rate at which organic fertilizers are absorbed by the soil.
Granular formulations that are dry, decompose slowly, giving your lawn for longer periods of time. Liquid organic fertilizers function faster because of their small particle size and accessible moisture. If you need a fast supply of nutrients, turn to a liquid fertilizer [3].
The Ratio of NPK:
- Nitrogen (N) aids the production of a green tint and leafy development;
- Phosphorus (P) promotes deep root growth;
- Vigor and resilience to disease are enhanced by potassium (K);
These substances are particularly critical for lawns and crops to develop green and lush foliage. Nitrogen is a highly volatile substance. The amount that isn’t used by the lawn evaporates, and it must be replenished on a regular basis. Because phosphorus and potassium are present in such high concentrations in the soil, they aren’t required in huge amounts.
When compared to the proportions of P and K in the mixture, organic lawn fertilizer delivers 2 to 3 times or more N than chemical fertilizers.
Look for the NPK ratio on the fertilizer label. It usually shows the percentage of the total mass of each component product, typically arranged in N-P-K order.
Other components as well as any extra nutrients are listed on the label [4].
The Expected Result
After a soil test, it’s crucial to assess the lawn’s condition while selecting a fertilizer. Select a fertilizer with a high amount of N (10% or higher) and little to no P and K in case the grass is robust, with dense leaves and a deep green color.
In late summer and fall, when the lawn enters its dormant season, apply fertilizer with a lower N-ratio and somewhat more K.
Even when all three essential elements are present, the turf may appear yellow from time to time. It’s a typical iron deficiency symptom. For a greener lawn, use a fertilizer that has extra iron.
In many locations, phosphorus is already present in the soil in abundance, and its levels can be tightly regulated to avoid pollution.
How Often to Fertilize Lawn?
Most experts fertilize their grass four times a year, on average. Consider adopting the “holidays schedule”, which makes it easier to keep track of the feeding process and adhere to it. You can use almost all of the above-mentioned chemicals every 8 weeks. It appears to be a good idea, but consider what will happen to the soil if you feed it 6 times a year.
Grass burning, insect infestation, or an overabundance of nutritious microorganisms might result from excessive feeding. You’ll have to spend a lot of effort on lawn restoration and rejuvenation in this instance.
The frequency of usage is determined by the grass type and climate. Fertilizer may be sufficient to apply once a year in a humid environment with mid-range temperatures [5].
When to Apply Organic Lawn Fertilizer?
The majority of the organic lawn fertilizer reviews recommend applying plant food in the fall. Some manufacturers offer recommendations for when and how often to use organic fertilizers for grass. They divide up the feeding times according to various areas’ climatic conditions. However, the most important dates of usage are near to four holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving.
It is suggested that you distribute the fertilizer just before the grass reaches its peak growth period. It happens in May. The last frost is another indicator that it’s time to begin feeding. Check the weather forecast and establish your own routine depending on your local climate [6].
Preparing Your Lawn for Organic Grass Fertilizer:
Test Your Soil
Every lawn is unique, and it requires a blend of nutrients that it lacks. To analyze your soil pH to see what your grass need. Mineral langbeinite, for example, will provide the magnesium it needs, whereas gypsum restores the correct amount of calcium in the soil.
Fill two cups with dirt and take samples from several locations on the lawn to figure out what you’ll need to buy. Then look for a soil test service near you. Some colleges provide this service or go to your local garden center to inquire about it [7].
To free your soil from its dependency on synthetic fertilizers, you must start spreading compost on your lawn. Composting improves the structure of your soil, which can be damaged by poor or no maintenance.
Prepare organic compost for your lawn, of course – composed of dead plant and other organic waste.
Even if it’s only a small compost bin, most yards will have a place for one.Use a compost fork to spread your compost on the lawn, about half an inch thick. Consider also sprinkling your grass with compost tea every month. Continue this after you’ve switched to the finest organic lawn care products. Fertilizer can accomplish the task alone, but should it? You’ll be happier if you apply several lawn care techniques at once.
Preparing Your Lawn for Amending It With Organic Yard Fertilizer:
Clean Up For a Healthy Lawn
Purchase a backpack leaf blower to clear away the debris from your lawn so that you can use organic fertilizer. You could rake, but how will you know whether you’ve disturbed the soil as it becomes soon-to-be-fertilized? Furthermore, utilizing a blower will speed up the process of clearing your grass.
Mow It Short
Fertilizer will not help an overgrown lawn that is already infested with undesirable weeds. Mow your grass short – leaving only an inch of growth – and properly dispose of the clippings.
Kill Weeds
Pre-emergent, post-emergent, and around-the-house sprays are all effective in combating weeds. Apply a mild weed killer to eliminate garden pests and possible crabgrass. Try to go organic here—you don’t want to lose your efforts. If you can find an organic pre-emergent/weed killer combination, it’ll be far more cost-effective and efficient.
This is one of the most overlooked aspects of lawn care. Wearing gloves and a mask while cultivating can keep you safe from harm, especially when working with chemicals like crabgrass killers. You may kill weeds or pull them at any time, but if crabgrass sprouts on your grass during the summer, it’ll be a long struggle.
Once you’ve successfully applied weed killer and pre-emergent treatment, reseed your lawn. For this phase, organic grass seed is a good option. Fall is the best time to conduct this procedure since by doing so, your new grass will germinate and emerge in time for summer.
Over-seeding just before using organic fertilizer is helpful, but don’t drown the new seeds in the fertilizer right away. Wait for the grass to grow a little before overwatering. This also aids in the germination of the seeds [8].
How do you feed your lawn organically?
You can have healthy grass without using synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Chemical-free fertilizers stimulate the natural development of roots and blades while also improving the drainage, aeration, and water-holding capacity of the soil.
The soil must be in excellent condition before a lush lawn may grow. A thin layer of compost can restore the natural organic content of the soil. Organic fertilizer is both an organic fertilizer and a nutrient for the plant.
Cornmeal, alfalfa meal, coffee grounds, and soy meal are all high-protein organic fertilizers that you may get locally or inexpensively.
Home-brewed compost “tea” or commercial liquid organic fertilizers are other options.
Choose turf grasses that thrive in your region if you want a new lawn.
According to experts at Ohio State University, individuals living in their state should cultivate cool-season turfgrasses like turf-type tall fescue, perennial ryegrass (mixed with Kentucky bluegrass), fine fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass.
For suggestions on the ideal turf grass for your location, contact your cooperative extension office [9].
Reduce mowing when you mow the lawn to a third of the length of grass blades. Leave grass clippings on the lawn to increase organic content even more.
Follow these instructions to prepare your lawn for the winter. Apply a protein-based fertilizer or liquid organic fertilizer in the spring just before the grass begins to grow green. Water the lawn once a week in the morning, unless you get an inch of rain, throughout the summer. In late autumn, apply fertilizer again three weeks before your grass stops growing.
Keep in mind that organic solutions are no instant cures. Because the emphasis is on developing the soil, results might take longer to appear. Also, an organic lawn will never be picture-perfect grass; it’s more of a natural lawn with weeds here and there. In time, your organic lawn will seem healthy and consistent. It will also be resistant to pests, disease, and drought.
The color of grass on a golf course is not natural. Organic fertilizers produce an organic green look rather than the synthetic golf course green produced by chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, grass cultivated without pesticides is safer for kids, adults, and pets to walk across and play on.
Landscapers and lawn care professionals are less likely to be exposed to hazardous chemicals. You also decrease the number of pollutants that escape into the air, water, and soil when you cease using synthetic chemical fertilizers.
How can I make my grass green naturally?
Do you want to help your grass grow but don’t want to use chemicals? Here are some suggestions for encouraging healthy and natural grass development [10]:
To give your lawn a fast nutrition boost, apply a light layer of compost on top of it in the spring. This may also be done throughout the spring and summer months; just make sure not to build up too much;
Remove weeds manually as you see them since they’ll compete for light, moisture, and nutrients, preventing the vegetation you desire;
If you want something quick but less artificial, add corn gluten meal to your lawn to eliminate weeds while also fertilizing them;
Reduce the amount of pet urine on your grass. It can cause the grass to turn yellow and even die over time. Make a specific “toilet” location for your dog;
Aerate your grass at least once a month and remove compacted areas or any thatch buildup;
Is it safe to use organic lawn fertilizers?
Fertilizers that are organic or conventional are good for lawns and the environment as long as they are handled correctly. Whether you use organic or inorganic fertilizer, the method by which plants absorb nutrients is similar, so from the grasses’ perspective, it makes little difference whether you utilize organic or inorganic fertilizer [11].
When is the best time to fertilize my lawn?
The best time to fertilize your yard is in the spring when the ground temperature – not the air temperature – reaches 55F. When the soil warms up to 55F, you’ll know because the lilacs will begin to bloom and grass will start growing. Alternatively, invest in a soil thermometer so that you can check the temperature at any time [12].
Is it possible to use too much organic fertilizer on your lawn?
The most frequent blunder is over-fertilizing the lawn or garden. Fertilizer is harmful to plants and the environment when used incorrectly. When applied too much fertilizer, the roots of a plant may be burned and the plant becomes more susceptible to insects and illnesses. Too much fertilizer might burn a plant’s roots, making it more vulnerable to pests and diseases. If you’re using too much fertilizer, your soil test will show it up.
You can detect signs of excessive fertilizer in vegetable plants with yellow leaves, weak stems, and lots of green leaves but no fruit if you go a step further. Even organic fertilizers, such as compost, may be overdone.
The soil lab at Colorado State University recommends no more than 5 percent organic matter, but this can usually be exceeded by frequent and large applications of compost [13].
What if your lawn becomes wet due to rain after you fertilize it?
However, heavy rain immediately after fertilization may cause the fertilizer to run off the earth or into the lower layers, where it will not benefit your roots as much. It’s also not ideal to apply fertilizer on damp grass the day after a lot of rain, because the chemicals could adhere to wet grass and harm it [14].
Is it safe to fertilize my grass in the summer?
Fertilizing in the early summer might help your warm-season grass that thrives at about 70F, grow thicker and stronger.
Fertilizing at the correct time can make your grass more heat- and drought-tolerant. In the spring and fall, fertilize cool-season grass [15].
Is it possible to fertilize my lawn every 2 weeks?
Applying fertilizer every two weeks is not suggested as a way to avoid over-fertilization. Fertilizing once every two weeks is likely to cause difficulties such as lawn burn, excessive grass development, and polluted water, which can result in harmful algal growth [16].
Can I use a certain amount of organic lawn fertilizer?
Excess fertilizer, even though classified as “non-burning” is a pollutant. The soil test results and the product’s label instructions should be followed carefully. Fertilizing organically is not a substitute for aerating and dethatching.
How do you choose the right fertilizer for your lawn?
There are many different sorts of lawn fertilizers on the market, but a complete fertilizer includes three key elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They may seem like something out of a science class in school, but these three nutrients are vital for healthy lawn development.
What is the best way to fertilize your lawn? If you’re new to grass, using too much nitrogen might burn or harm your plants. Nitrogen works in tandem with potassium and magnesium to promote strong, healthy stem and leaf growth in your lawn. The phosphorous aids in the development of your grasses by promoting their growth. It’s also effective at keeping itself embedded in the dirt. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is far easier for soil to flush through.
For example, magnesium is great for promoting root growth and nutrition absorption.
Potassium is also essential for producing healthy gross roots that can absorb nutrients from the soil effectively.
It also works to balance out phosphorous and nitrogen, allowing plants to make the most of natural chemicals in order to thrive.
The three natural components that all forms of organic lawn fertilizer aim to promote are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).
When one of these nutrients is lacking, the soil may become unbalanced. As a result, you must make sure your fertilizer includes all of these elements in proper proportions. This implies you must know the N-P-K measurements [17].
Is it too late in October to fertilize my lawn?
Apply a fall lawn fertilizer 2 to 3 weeks before the ground stops freezing. Look for the first frost date in your region to discover an accurate date. Because the ground has not yet frozen, this is usually a good time to fertilize.
Fall is a great time to apply lawn treatments; mid-October is one example [18].
In the summertime how can you fertilize your lawn?
During the summer, feeding your grass in the early part of the season assists to strengthen it and better withstand the heat and drought brought on by summer. Scotts Turf Builder targets slow-release nitrogen so that grass of all sorts can benefit from it [19].
How long does it take organic lawn fertilizer to work?
People seeking a quick solution for their grass because the results are apparent within a few days frequently choose a fast-release synthetic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, might take anything from two to six weeks to show any effect [20].
Useful Video: Best Organic Lawn Fertilizer
Final thoughts
If you’re looking for a more natural approach to lawn care, organic fertilizers are your best option. They offer many benefits over chemical fertilizers and pesticides, including healthier soil that’s good for the environment and safer options for pets or children. Read this guide to learn all about what makes these eco-friendly products so effective at keeping your yard healthy year round!
- https://agriculturegoods.com/the-10-best-organic-lawn-fertilizer/
- https://agriculturegoods.com/the-10-best-organic-lawn-fertilizer/
- https://trinjal.com/best-organic-fertilizer-for-lawn-reviews/#granular-vs-liquid
- https://trinjal.com/best-organic-fertilizer-for-lawn-reviews/#granular-vs-liquid
- https://bumpercroptimes.com/best-organic-lawn-fertilizer/
- https://bumpercroptimes.com/best-organic-lawn-fertilizer/
- https://bovees.com/best-organic-lawn-fertilizer/
- https://bovees.com/best-organic-lawn-fertilizer/
- https://www.gardeningchannel.com/how-to-feed-your-lawn-without-chemicals/
- https://jmflandscaping.com/4-secrets-make-grass-green/
- https://extension.unh.edu/blog/2020/05/organic-fertilizer-better-lawns
- https://www.popularmechanics.com/home/lawn-garden/how-to/g237/the-quick-and-easy-guide-to-fertilizing-your-lawn
- https://www.networx.com/article/top-fertilizing-mistakes-gardeners-make
- https://bovees.com/best-time-to-fertilize-lawn-before-or-after-rain/
- https://www.thisoldhouse.com/lawns/21244213/summer-lawn-care-tips
- https://theturfgrassgroup.com/turf-care/how-much-fertilizer-should-i-use-on-my-lawn/
- https://earthdevelopmentinc.com/blog/how-to-pick-the-right-fertilizer-for-your-lawn
- https://blog.davey.com/2016/09/should-i-fertilize-my-lawn-in-the-fall-yes-here-s-why-and-how
- https://www.scotts.com/en-us/library/lawn-care-basics/summer-lawn-care-tips
- https://bovees.com/how-long-does-it-take-granular-fertilizer-to-work/
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