
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

5 Best Herbicides for Pastures

Best Herbicides for Pastures

Most recommended
Alligare MSM 60 Alligare MSM 60
  • Item Weight: 2 lbs
  • Has a very low mix rate
  • Easy to use

A good choice too
Dow AgroSciencesDow AgroSciences Grazon Next HL 2 Gallon
  • 2 gal
  • Fast burndown
  • No grazing restrictions

A good choice too
Chapparal HerbicideChapparal Herbicide 1.25#- Aminopyralid Range and Pasture Weed Control
  • Item Weight: 1,25 lbs
  • Has a very low mix rate
  • Easy to use

Control Solutions Control Solutions 825637 2786
  • Haying Restrictions
  • Item Weight: 10 pounds
  • Easy to use

Control Solutions CPControl Solutions Clear Pasture 1 Gallon
  • 1 Gallon
  • For hard-to-control species
  • Easy to use

Choose the Best Herbicides for Pastures

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Herbicides for Pastures

548 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

57.66% of users selected Alligare MSM 60 , 17.34% selected Dow AgroSciences, 15.15% selected Chapparal Herbicide, 4.93% selected Control Solutions and 4.93% selected Control Solutions CP. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

Landowners should use a number of approaches and techniques to tackle weed issues in pastures. These involve mechanical and cultural methods such as mowing/clipping fields, keeping a consistent soil fertility program, grazing methods and other management practices that encourage favorable grass forage growth while acting against weeds.Herbicides with chemicals are one of the easiest approaches to successfully manage a variety of problematic broadleaf weeds. Nevertheless, proper stewardship and management techniques are required to ensure that you profit best from the usage of herbicides.

Stewardship requires sufficient spraying applications to mitigate the risk for off-site transport of herbicides that could threaten surrounding sensitive crops, plants and animals. In addition, consider reseeding and potential usage of the field prior to the use of the herbicide.

Regulation of weeds in pastures can be a very challenging problem. Plant types are special to livestock grazing schemes. Focus on the plants that animals stop consuming and others of poor nutritional value. Effective weed control requires the dedication and usage of a variety of weed control techniques.

Below the experts offer a few powerful solutions for chemical weed control on pastures. Check the comparison table and individual review of each herbicide for pastures to make a decision on what suits your demands. The buying guide includes some useful tips as well.

Alligare MSM 60 DF-Compare to Escort– the best for southern regions!

Alligare MSM 60MSM 60DF herbicide by Alligare is based on Metsulfuron Methyl and is used to combat Virginia weed and other broadleaf weeds in southern turfgrass. This substance has a very low mixing temperature, rendering it one of the most inexpensive herbicides for the management of big leaf weeds.

MSM 60 is a dispersible granule mixed in water and spread as a mist. It acts against several annual, perennial weeds and woody plants in non-crop fields, conifers and hardwood plantations.

Tips for users: never apply on irrigation ditches.
  • Safe for spot application;
  • Made for southern U.S. regions;
  • Good for non-crop areas;
  • Effective;
  • The instructions are confusing;

The weed killer may be used for the control of weeds and brushes, and the control of certain noxious weeds on non-crop areas, ditch banks or dry irrigation ditches. You may also apply it for the selective control of weeds in certain varieties of non-crop vegetation.

Dow AgroSciences Grazon Next HL– the best for the volume!

Dow AgroSciences Grazon Next HL 2 GallonThis chemical was made to manage herbaceous weeds and certain woody plants, without destroying attractive lawns and grasses. It can be used as a single-pass spray or in conjunction with liquid fertilizer and may be combined with other weed killers to combat a wide variety of weeds.

As with any other organic herbicides, the new Grazon product must be used in compliance with label guidance and carries some hazards.

  • Cost-effective;
  • Large volume;
  • New reduced-risk pesticide;
  • Good for killing broadleaf plants;
  • Quite hazardous to the skin;
  • Restricted in some states;
  • Can be dangerous to dairy cows;
Grazon HL is everything you should use for horses and mules on pastures and pens. This substance is ideally suited to destroying plants, thorn bushes and other annoying weeds.

Chapparal Herbicide 1.25 Weed Control– the best for simple use!

Chapparal Herbicide 1.25#- Aminopyralid Range and Pasture Weed ControlThe Chapparal Herbicide 1.25 product can easily cope with any weeds on pastures. Using Chaparral results in an improvement in the desirable development of vegetation. This substance includes two herbicides with contrasting modes of action.

Its compounds help to provide outstanding management of blackberry and pigweed residues without the use of tank mixing.

Chaparral is an all-around product that easily regulates different kinds of weeds and brushes. Known to be the most consistent and strongest buckbrush clearing herbicide on pastures and rangelands.

  • Doesn’t require tank mixing;
  • Easy to use;
  • Good for spot treatment;
  • Not harmful to animals;
  • Restricted in some states;
  • Won’t cope with giant weeds;

This broad-spectrum weed killer is also useful for grass cultivation and animal welfare. Extremely capable and superior management of hard-to-kill weeds, like Pensacola bahiagrass.

Control Solutions 825637 Pasture Herbicide – the best for wide application!

Control Solutions 825637 2786This product manages hard-to-control plants such as brush, woody plants, mesquite, seasonal, annual, broad-leaf weeds, poison ivy, poison oak, bushes, sycamore, etc.

The herbicide is distributed at 61.6%. It functions by pushing its way into the waxy cuticle of the leaf tissue of the plant, making it easy to get into the plant’s structure.

Tips for users: Use along with the combination of Triclopyr and Glyphosate to destroy stubborn weeds on pastures. Also, you may mix this weed killer with diesel for better results.
  • Compatible with other chemicals;
  • Destroys many weed types;
  • Very concentrated;
  • Professional product;
  • Dangerous to dairy animals;
  • Not for sale in certain states;
  • Can affect harvest if used improperly;

This strong concentrate can quickly treat a large area and destroys even the oldest weeds.

Control Solutions Clear Pasture– the best for the coverage area!

Control Solutions Clear Pasture 1 GallonControl Solutions Clear Pasture regulates the re-sprouting of cut trunks. This weed killer absorbs the waxy cuticle of the leaf of the herb, accelerating the process.

Symptoms can be observed after a few days. It’s going to take a few weeks to destroy the weed. It is essential to use the Clear Pasture product during the active growing season of the plant.

  • Wide coverage area;
  • Cost-effective;
  • Great coverage area;
  • The first results in 2 days;
  • Needs two weeks to kill the weeds completely;
  • Limited use (restricted in certain states);

Apply this remedy for better grassland and long-lasting vegetation control. It controls up to 2 acres of farmland covered with woody plants and broad-leaf weeds.

The Buyer’s Guide

Active ingredients

The active component is the concept that describes the chemical in the formulation of the herbicide specifically liable for its phytotoxicity (meaning it can weaken or kill plants). Such herbicides only produce one active component, whereas others contain two or three components: 

  • 2,4-D is marketed under a range of trade names, and dicamba is generally sold as Banvel or Transparency. Reasonable utilization rates are dependent on a variety of variables, including forage species and age, weed species current, weed growth habit, weed growth stage, the season of application, over-seeding, grazing or harvesting;
  • Aminopyralid is a selective weed killer used for the control of broadleaf weeds, particularly thistles and cloves. It is included in the herbicide class of picolinic acids, which also contains clopyralid, picloram, triclopyr and other less popular herbicides;
  • Triclopyr is a weed killer applied to manage woody plants and certain broadleaf weeds, including right-of-way, agricultural fields, plantations, railroads, meadows, grassland and permanent grass pastures, corn, turf and planting crops such as palm oil. Triclopyr collects in the meristematic tissue (growing region) of the plant. Triclopyr is prepared as soluble, emulsifiable concentrates, pigments, pellets, granules and liquids;

The application timing

Herbicide chemicals also perform well on younger, actively developing weeds. Therefore, you must also note the scale of the weeds and the level of development. As annual weeds develop greater and mature, the potency of herbicides also declines. In comparison, herbicides can have no long-term protection of weeds that have started to bloom and grow new plants.

Target the cool-season weeds, such as buttercup, biannual thistles, and poisonous hemlock, after they begin to appear in the fall (October-November) or the early spring (March-April). Treat annual summer weeds, such as common ragweed, and cocklebur, spiny amaranth, with an herbicide for pastures in early summer (June) when these plants begin to appear as seedlings.

The preferred time for the control of such perennial broadleaf weeds as tall iron weeds, curly dock, Canada thistle is summertime (August-early September). Mid-summer mowing with the proper herbicide treatment performs great with annual weeds such as high iron weeds. Late summer applications can often result in more movements of herbicides to the root systems of annual plants on pastures.

The volume

Another practice for creating bigger droplets is the usage of spray tips for spraying amounts of 15 or more gallons of fresh water per acre handled. But resist increasing spray intensity to reach higher spray concentrations, which may, in fact, result in finer droplets for certain spray tips.


A few horse owners confirmed that the horses that lick Roundup might get colic. For 2,4 D, there are no limits on pasture horses, so you can spray while plants are vigorously developing (not during the hot season), using 4 quarts per acre of spray or 2 ounces per 1 gallon of spot spray.

Delicate non-target plants, such as other seeds, grasses, ornamentals, and trees, can be significantly harmed or destroyed if herbicides are permitted to come into contact with their leaves, branches, roots, or soil in their rooting areas. Damaged non-target plants can trigger aesthetic or financial damage. Non-target plant damage is often induced by pesticide drift or straight application to vulnerable plant sections.

Waiting period

Any herbicides have a necessary waiting time between application of the herbicide and corresponding grazing or harvesting (grazing and harvest restrictions). The amount of time focuses on the herbicides and the livestock eaten or grazed. You must wait for the most stringent herbicide to be used.

An optional rule of thumb is to wait for the appropriate period and restart grazing or harvesting operations only if half an inch or more of the rainfall has accrued after the submission. Otherwise, wait for a half inch of rainfall precipitation before grazing or harvesting starts. Consult the herbicide manufacturer or the qualified expert for applications.

Check the labels

Until using a herbicide, read the label cautiously. Any of the herbicides prescribed has the advantages and risks correlated with its application. Apply the remedy to perennial weed at the particular growth stage(s) listed on the label.


How much herbicide do you need to mix with water to cover one acre?

The amount of herbicide you need will vary depending on the type of grass and weeds you have. For most products, you will mix two to four ounces of herbicide per gallon of water. One gallon of mixed solution will cover approximately one acre.

Weed types will also affect how much herbicide you need. Broadleaf weeds are generally larger and easier to control than grassy weeds. As a result, you may need less herbicide for broadleaf weeds.

Are there any negative aspects to using herbicides on pastures?

The main downside of using herbicides is the potential for negative impacts on the environment. When used incorrectly, herbicides can pollute water sources and kill helpful plants and animals. Another concern is the possibility of developing resistance in target weeds. Over time, weeds may evolve to become resistant to a particular herbicide, making it less effective. Finally, some people are concerned about the health risks associated with exposure to herbicides. While most products are considered safe when used as directed, some people may experience skin irritation or other side effects.

Before using any herbicide, it’s important to read the label carefully and follow all directions. Pay special attention to warnings and precautions to help minimize any risks. If you have any concerns about using herbicides, talk to your local extension agent or other agricultural expert. They can offer helpful advice and guidance on choosing and using products safely.

When used properly, herbicides can be a valuable tool for managing pastureland. By working to control weeds, they can help improve forage quality and quantity, which can benefit both grazing animals and farmers. When used in combination with other management practices like mowing and grazing rotation, herbicides can play an important role in maintaining healthy pastures.

Does Grazon herbicide kill grass?

Grazon is a broadleaf herbicide that selectively kills broadleaf plants while leaving grasses unharmed. It is often used in pastures to control weeds without harming the desirable grasses.

Grazon will not kill grasses, but it may cause them to become stunted or discolored if they come into contact with the spray. For this reason, it is important to carefully follow the directions on the label and avoid spraying any areas where you do not want to kill plants.

How many acres will 2 gallons of Grazon cover?

The answer to this question depends on the product you’re using and the density of the weeds you’re trying to control. However, a general rule of thumb is that one gallon of concentrated herbicide will cover about one acre. So, two gallons of Grazon would theoretically be enough to treat two acres.

Of course, it’s always best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any kind of chemical product. And be sure to read the labels carefully before purchasing an herbicide – some products are only meant for use on certain types of plants.

How do you rejuvenate an old pasture?

The best way to rejuvenate an old pasture is by overseeding it with a mix of annual ryegrass and white clover. This will give the pasture a much-needed boost of nitrogen and help to crowd out any existing weeds. You’ll also want to make sure that you’re using the right herbicide for your particular area.

There are a few different types of herbicides that are effective against common pasture weeds, such as Johnson grass, bermudagrass, and dallisgrass. glyphosate is a popular choice because it’s relatively inexpensive and easy to find. However, it’s important to read the label carefully before purchasing any herbicide, as some products may not be safe for use around livestock.

How long after spraying 2,4-D can cattle graze?

The amount of time cattle have to wait before grazing on pastures sprayed with herbicides varies depending on the product used. In general, it is best to wait at least two weeks after spraying any herbicide before allowing cattle back onto the pasture. This allows the herbicide enough time to work and also gives the plants a chance to recover. If you are unsure about how long to wait, consult the label or ask a local extension agent for advice.

Products that contain only plant-based ingredients may pose less of a risk to grazing animals than those containing synthetic chemicals. However, all products should be used according to label directions in order to minimize risks. When in doubt, it is always best to err on the side of caution and keep cattle off of treated pastures until the recommended waiting period has elapsed.

What do farmers spray on hay fields?

Farmers have to be very careful about what they spray on their hay fields. If they use the wrong herbicide, it could kill the grasses that the cattle need to eat. There are a few different types of herbicides that are safe to use on hay fields, but not all of them are created equal. Some are more effective than others, and some can be more dangerous to the environment.

The most important thing to remember when choosing an herbicide for your pasture is to read the label carefully. You need to make sure that the product you choose is labeled for use on hay fields. If it’s not, you could end up doing more harm than good.

Does mowing improve pasture?

The short answer is, it depends. If your pasture is too dense with weeds, then mowing can actually make the problem worse by encouraging the growth of more weeds. On the other hand, if your pasture has a good mix of grasses and clovers, mowing can help improve its overall density and health.

There are a few things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to mow your pasture:

  • The type of grasses and clovers in your pasture. Some types are more tolerant of mowing than others.
  • The time of year. Mowing during the growing season can stress the plants and reduce their vigor.
  • The height of the grass. If the grass is too short, it can reduce the overall density of the pasture.

When should you reseed a pasture?

The best time to reseed a pasture is in the late summer or early fall. This allows the new grasses to get a head start on growth before the winter sets in. You’ll want to make sure that you select a variety of grasses that are well-suited to your climate and soil type.

In general, it’s a good idea to oversee your pasture by about 50%. This means that you should sow twice as many seeds as you would if you were just trying to fill in bare spots. Overseeding will help ensure that your pasture has a dense, healthy stand of grasses.

Once you’ve sown the seed, you’ll need to keep the area moist until it germinates.

How often should you mow pasture?

It really depends on the height of your pasture and the grazing habits of your animals. If you have horses or cows, they will likely graze down the grass more quickly than if you have goats or sheep. In general, you should mow when the grass is about knee-high. This will help keep it from getting too long and tangled, making it difficult for your animals to graze. It will also help keep weeds from going to seed. Mowing also helps stimulate new growth, so your pasture will be lusher and more nutritious for your animals.

If you’re not sure how often to mow, start with once a month and see how your pasture looks. You can always mow more frequently if needed.

How long to keep animals pasture after spraying weeds?

The length of time you’ll need to keep your animals off the pasture after spraying will depend on the specific herbicide you’re using. In general, it’s best to follow the instructions on the product label. Some products may require that animals be kept off the pasture for only a few hours, while others may require days or even weeks. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and give your pasture a little extra time to dry completely before allowing animals back into it.

Can cattle eat grass sprayed with Roundup?

Yes, cattle can graze on grass that has been sprayed with Roundup as long as the grass is dry and the herbicide has had time to dissipate. The amount of time it takes for Roundup to dissipate will depend on weather conditions such as temperature and humidity. In general, however, it is safe to say that cattle can graze on Roundup-sprayed grass within a few days after the application.

Of course, you should always consult the labels of the products you are using to be sure that they are safe for grazing animals. Some herbicides may have different restrictions than others. For example, some products may require that pasture be grazed only after a certain number of days have passed since application. Others may require that pasture be grazed only when the herbicide is dry on the foliage.

What is the best height to cut pasture grass?

This is a common question with no easy answer. It depends on the type of grass, your soil conditions, and your grazing animals. In general, you want to cut the grass when it’s about knee-high. This will give the animals enough to eat while still allowing the plants to regrow quickly.

If you have very short pasture grass, it can be difficult for animals to graze properly. They may end up eating too much dirt and not getting enough of the nutrient-rich leaves. On the other hand, if the grass is too tall, it can shade out new growth and make it difficult for animals to reach the leaves.

What is the fastest growing pasture grass?

If you’re looking to create a pasture that will grow quickly and provide plenty of forage for your animals, there are a few grasses you can choose from. One of the fastest-growing pasture grasses is annual ryegrass, which can produce up to 12 pounds of dry matter per day. Orchardgrass and tall fescue are also fast-growing options, growing about eight pounds of dry matter per day.

While these grasses do grow quickly, they may not be the best option for all situations. If you’re looking to establish a long-term pasture, it’s best to choose a more permanent grass like bermuda grass or bluegrass. These grasses may not grow as quickly as annual ryegrass, but they will provide a more sustainable grazing option in the long run.

Video Tutorial: MSM 60 DF Herbicide Review Guide

Final thoughts

Make sure to read unbiased reviews, check the recommendations on application and coverage area before investing in any new herbicide for pastures. These products can be quite expensive and that’s why it is better to purchase the solution that actually helps to kill weeds.