- 1-Gallon
- Rainproof in 4 hours
- Visual results in 1-6 weeks

- Rainproof in 6 hours
- Treats 3,200 sq. ft
- Won’t harm the lawn

- Rapid and effective
- Covers up to 14K-18K sq. ft.
- Won’t harm the lawn

- Visible Results In 12 Hours
- Treats Up To 3, 000 sq. ft
- No Assembly Required

- 32 fl. oz
- Easy to use
- Manufactured in China
Choose the Best Herbicides for English Ivy
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Herbicides for English Ivy
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English ivy plants (a.k.a. Hedera helix) are evergreen perennials. They are known as woody vines as well. English ivy may serve as a shield for the field, growing horizontally and reaching a height of 8 inches. But, because of its aerial rootlets, which enable it to ascend to heights of 80 ft, it is also a climber plant.However, this aggressive spreading and scaling habit is what makes this species an invasive concern in certain places, rapidly becoming unacceptable as it spreads out of boundaries, scales walls and crowds out other plants.
Chemical products can effectively remove unwanted ivy, sometimes used in combination with mechanical removal.
Some of the best herbicides for English Ivy weeds are counted below. The comparison table and buyer’s guide may be useful as well.
Table of Contents
BioAdvanced 704655A Brush Killer Plus – the best for volume!

The BioAdvanced brush killer acts on difficult-to-kill poison ivy as well as blackberry, poison oak, kudzu, and more than 70 other forms of weeds and brush. This distilled solution is so effective that stumps can also be destroyed.
Because more than 70 varieties of plants are destroyed by this pesticide, you can destroy English Ivy and poison ivy. So you ought to be alert since it’s definitely going to ruin your grass as well.
Destroying the spreading ivy is quick and fast if you pick this product. It’s a ready-to-use solution, but there’s no reason for you to dilute it or anything else.
Ortho Weed B Gon Chickweed, Clover & Oxalis Killer– the best for killing the roots!

It starts running in just 24 hours, too. It’s one of the market’s fastest-acting items, which is one of the reasons why it ranks at the top of our ranking.
With Ortho’s hose-end sprinkler or some other tank sprayer, the concentrate can be added.
There are two versions of the Ortho Weed B Gon product: RTU or concentrated formula. The apparent value of RTU (ready-to-use) form is that it easily sticks to your nozzle, and you’re ready to go.
PBI/Gordon 652400 Speed Zone Lawn Weed Killer– the best for quick results!

The Speed Zone Lawn Weed Killer spans from 14,000 to 18,000 sq. ft. With this weed killer, many people who have broad lawns go with it. You’ll have clear improvements in hours, and in another two weeks, the lawn can be reseeded.
The grass on your lawn is not expected to be affected, but some clients have reported that their grass was destroyed by this substance. In cold weather, this herb killer is better used.
RM18 Fast-Acting Weed & Grass Killer– the best for ease of use!

This is an excellent option for homeowners who are searching for one safe commodity to fix all their weed-related issues with active ingredients such as Glyphosate and Isopropylamine salt.
You can just define this fast-acting substance as a fantastic multi-purpose weed killer that will do wonders in your home and/or office. Dream of driveways, roads, patios, flowerbeds, fields of vegetables, mulch and almost every other lawn or yard in between.
The best thing is about how easy it gets to the action, the moment it touches with weeds, crushing English Ivy plants so that you can notice the difference in only 12 hours. It becomes rain-resistant in only half an hour. It has been established that this product operates on over 100 kinds of plants and weeds.
Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer– the best for vegetable gardens!

The Hi-Yield Atrazine weed killer substance was manufactured by the Voluntary Buying Community for the removal of St. Augustine, English Ivy and related weeds. It is focused on 4% atrazine, a very effective portion. High concentration is one of the strongest properties of this substance.
The first visible results after the submission will require from 2 to 4 weeks. The plants turn yellow at first and dry just afterward.
The Buyer’s Guide
Active components
The solutions containing glyphosate, triclopyr, imazapyr, or a mixture of these three herbicides can be successful against English Ivy. It is important to plan the herbicide solution such that it has a suitable concentration of the active ingredient. The Ivy weeds can’t be destroyed by too low a rate, although too-concentrated a spray can destroy areas of the ivy it contacts until it can spread across the plant and inflict more extensive harm or plant death.
Glyphosate or Triclopyr can both be used for effective English Ivy control. Let’s take a closer look:
- Glyphosate. At 2-4 percent, glyphosate may be used as a foliar spray and is most beneficial after mowing or string trimming for new growth and regrowth. Leaves at this point are less waxy and can more easily consume herbicides;
- Triclopyr. It may be used at a pace of 2-5 percent. If required, watch for regrowth and re-apply. Apply a 33% mixture of triclopyr or glyphosate to uncovered stems after scraping the leaves off the stem near the ground for basal bark use. Apply herbicide to the cut stem directly after cutting for cut stem treatment; look to the herbicide mark for the concentration. Stop spraying the target vegetation, since other plants can be damaged by these herbicides;
Application methods
Choose or plan a spray that includes 2 to 5% herbicide for foliage sprays. Three percent of 1 gallon is around 1/2 cup, as a point of comparison. For cut-stem applications, a solution of about 25% active ingredient is acceptable.
Applying herbicide to regulate English ivy as the ivy develops yet dormant adjacent desirable plants minimizes the risk of unintended damage to the desired vegetation. The ivy that should be handled should not be under threat from drought. When you apply the weed killer, the temperature should be above 55 to 60F and you should not apply the herbicide if the temperature above 90F is anticipated.
To decrease the risk for the drift into suitable foliage, stop the treatment on windy days. Often closely scan product labeling and add chemicals for healthy and efficient usage, according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Do not spray portions of an English Ivy that grow liberally in a tree trunk or a shrub, as the tree or shrub can be injured by herbicides that touch the bark.
For better results, when English ivy has 2 to 4 fresh leaves, add the weed killer in the spring. Six weeks later, retreat if you see re-growth. When the season continues, English Ivy appears less and less prone to glyphosate. Through mowing the ivy weed, then spreading the regrowth, control can be strengthened in the mid-summer season.
Video Tutorial: High-Yield Atrazine for Centipede and St. Augustine Grass
Final thoughts
Hopefully, you may kill English Ivy weeds with these powerful herbicides. However, the buyer’s guide can help you to choose any other quality product if these remedies won’t help or fit your requirements.
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