- 1-Gallon
- Controls up to 12 months
- Creates a bug barrier

- 16 oz
- Cyfluthrin 6.0%
- Pet safe

- 2.5-Pound
- Controls for up to 3 months
- Treats an average 2,000 ft

- Size: 45 Traps
- Blends into environment
- Inexpensive to use

- 24-Ounce
- Up to 12 month control
- Creates a bug barrier
Choose the Best Centipede Killer
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Centipede Killers
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Do you have a problem with insects and centipedes crawling all over your lawn or house foundation? Then you may need a few professional treatments to get rid of these insects.First, you should identify the pest, find the places of its habitat – in such a way, the picked product could provide more results that are effective.
The following guide can help you choose the best centipede killer. Check the major features, pros and cons of top 5 premium products. The comparison table can be rather useful. As well as the buying guide below the reviews.
Table of Contents
Ortho 0220910 Home Defense Insect Killer – the best for long-lasting effect!

When your home has been protected with the Invisishield barrier system it can build a defensive border to keep bugs away for 1 year. It may not destroy one centipede at once (depends on its size), but it sure would scare it away.
This pesticide is popular for coping with all forms of big insects. It builds a protective barrier and with its killing power, prevents them from coming to your home.
BASF Cy-Kick CS Pest Control Insecticide – the best for the broad spectrum of species!

Pyrethroids are classified among insecticide groups for their reduced toxicity.
The Cy-Kick CS density is close to that of water, resulting in a smooth, stable blend that needs minimal agitation to stay in complete suspension. Cy-Kick CS produces a dense layer of microcapsules when sprayed and is difficult for insects to reach without exposure to a deadly dose of insecticide.
Cy-kick CS is nearly odorless. When applied according to the prescribed label limit, this insecticide will not produce a noticeable residue or stain.
Ortho Home Defense MAX Insect Killer Granules – the best for large coverage!

Spreading this around the base outside created a big improvement that has endured so far for more than 30 days.
First, spray the product inside, then go outside and spray all over the house’s exterior. It minimizes the amount of bugs that come into the building. The bottle’s shaker lid can be flimsy, but typically it works just fine.
45 Insect & Spider Traps – the best for non-chemical treatment!

When they stick in it, the insects would not note the gap between the trap and the environment. The most efficient way to allow the use of building as many obstacles as practicable.
Few businesses offer limited numbers of big traps but building a large number of small traps, as this one is more efficient and economical. Larger traps are not more effective since it’s the side of a trap that always captures a spider.
In no way such traps are dangerous. They just produce adhesive, so capturing relies on the strategic skill to position it in areas frequented by centipedes. These traps may often be positioned next to food storages and in other places where the application of pesticides is highly hazardous.
Ortho 0196410 Home Defense MAX Insect Killer Spray – the best for the price!

It is good for about 30 days when spread on the cement. It fits home, driveway, cellar, and deck.
This product is totally safe to humans, livestock and birds. This spray can only destroy larvae, bugs, rats, roaches and more.
The Buyer’s Guide
Types of insecticides:
- Sprays. These pesticides can be spread inside or outside with a hand spray and are residual insecticides. Sprinkled around cracks and crevices, access points, and baseboards, these materials prevent the operation of centipedes. These items can be spread along the circumference of the system as a 3- to 10-foot line, through the harbor sites and/or across possible entry points. Such products can give you the long-term residual for about 90 days for all surface forms. Liquid technologies can be implemented around baseboards through cracks and crevices and into other possible hiding areas;
- Aerosols. You may apply a sprayed aerosol around doors, windows and walls, as well as other areas where these pests can reach premises. This aerosol includes a crack and crevice tip that can be spread through the really narrow cracks and crevices; where the solvent spray doesn’t reach;
- Dusts. Pick residual dust only as an extra measure. Dust attic areas and the baseboards underneath can be treated with such products. Consider picking the dust products with a hand duster appliance;
- Traps. If you want to use a chemical-free centipede treatment, then consider picking the special traps. They can be even good for keeping insects alive, even the largest species;
Check the label before buying a centipede killer. It may contain the chemicals that can’t be disposed to direct sunlight or they can be potentially harmful to little children or pets. Safety comes first when you spray chemical treatments on your lawn or inside the house. Alternatively, you may use a DIY centipede killer made of natural components. Or try using special centipede traps.
The affected species
This is highly essential to check for when utilizing poisonous chemicals because certain pesticides could damage crops, pets or little kids. Try to stop having wide range pesticides that along with the insect have the ability to destroy or damage multiple beneficial plants. If such a pesticide is the only alternative, consider using spot treatments to reduce the probability that non-target species may be infected.
For pesticides, determining efficacy is a little complicated since it may differ based on when the chemicals are being added. For e.g., in a laboratory, a chemical can destroy a significant percentage of the target species because it is a regulated area, but in a real-life scenario, the amount might be much lower because of other considerations such as fighting off natural enemies, temperature variations, etc.
Endurance of action
The resistance of an insect or plant to the effects of a pesticide may differ. Check for the pest control success: if it seems to function well at first but then later populations expand through continuous usage, any built-up resistance might be present.
The selection of a pesticide can be decided based on circumstances. If it is an emergency, a shorter-lived, quick-acting, and more intensely toxic substance (such as cockroach organophosphate) might be needed. But for persistent pest issues, enduring, slow-acting, and less harmful substances (such as boric acid) may be safer.
What centipede killer to choose in a store?
Buy a spray or powder product. Opt for the products that contain bendiocarb, Sevin, cyfluthrin, or propoxur. Make sure to read the recommendations for use and cautions before using a centipede killer.
Expert advice: if the product contains pyrethroids, spray it directly on the centipedes and do not use such a repellent on other weeds.
How to apply a centipede killer on your lawn?
1) Apply the herbicide all over your backyard. Spray or sprinkle the centipede killer, according to the attached directions for use. Centipedes will crawl out to the surface after the application of the picked herbicide.
2) Be sure to wear rubber gloves when you apply any centipede killer because it can cause skin irritation. Follow the directions on the label. If you use a powder product and live in a humid climate, it should be applied more often than a liquid herbicide.
3) If you know where centipedes are hiding outside the house, you can apply an insecticide to the soil. For example, spray an insecticide on mulch-covered flowerbeds. The substances contained in the product will eventually hit the centipedes and poison them.
My tips for buying the best centipede killers in the U.S. market:
- Ortho can create a bug carrier in your backyard. This one-gallon centipede killer controls up their growth up to 12 months;
- Cy-Kick is a pet-safe centipede killer. It contains very effective Cyfluthrin 6.0%;
- Ortho offers a 2.5-pound for the centipede control over 3 months. One bottle can be applied at the territory of 2,000 feet;
- Traps Direct includes 45 traps that fully blend into the environment. It is affordable and effective;
- Ortho 0196410 is my favorite remedy that can control the centipedes up to 12 months;
I also recommend you check the video tutorial that shows how to take care after the lawn inhabited by centipedes. What methods do you use to control centipedes? Subscribe and follow to read new expert recommendations to take care of the lawn.
What is the best product to kill centipedes?
There are a few different options available on the market, but our top pick is the Raid Ant & Roach Killer. This product comes in a convenient spray bottle, and it’s designed to kill on contact. Unlike most pesticides, it’s safe to use around kids and animals, so you never have to worry about accidentally hurting them while getting rid of the centipedes.
The Ortho Home Defense MAX Insect Killer is another fantastic option. This one also comes in a spray bottle, and it promises to kill centipedes and other insects on contact. It has a long-lasting formula that will keep pests away for up to 12 months, so it’s a great choice if you’re looking for long-term protection.
If you’re looking for a more natural option, consider the Safer Brand Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Powder. This powder is made from fossilized algae, and it works by dehydrating the insects that come into contact with it. It’s safe to use around children and pets, and it’s a great choice if you’re concerned about using chemicals in your home.
What do centipedes hate?
There are a few things that centipedes hate: heat, cold, and light. If you can find a product that combines all three of these elements, you’ll likely have a good chance at getting rid of your centipede problem.
One example of such a product is the Centipede Killer from Pest Soldier. This particular product comes in both granular and liquid form, making it easy to apply no matter what your preference is. It’s also made with essential oils like clove and peppermint, which not only repel centipedes but also leave behind a pleasant scent.
Best of all, the Centipede Killer is safe to use around children and pets, so you don’t have to worry about anyone getting hurt in the process.
If you’re looking for a reliable centipede killer, the Pest Soldier Centipede Killer is a great option to consider.
Does killing a centipede attract more?
This is a common question with no easy answer. While there are many theories out there, the truth is that we don’t really know for sure. Some people believe that killing a centipede can attract more of them, while others believe that it doesn’t make a difference. The ideal approach is to test various solutions and determine which one works best for you.
If you’re concerned about attracting more centipedes, there are a few things you can do to help prevent them from coming into your home in the first place. Make sure your house is as clean as possible and seal any cracks or gaps around it. Vacuuming regularly can also help to reduce the number of centipedes in your home.
What spray kills centipedes?
The best way to get rid of centipedes is to use a spray specifically designed to kill them. With the vast array of centipede killers available, it’s tricky to identify which option is best for you.
What month do centipedes come out?
Contrary to popular belief, centipedes are not just an indoor problem. These pests can also be found outside, and they are most active during the warmer months. In fact, you’re likely to see more centipedes in the spring and summer than at any other time of year.
So, if you’re wondering when do centipedes come out, the answer is that they are most active during the spring and summer months. However, this doesn’t mean that you won’t see them at other times of year. Centipedes can be found indoors and outdoors all year round.
The best way to prevent centipede infestations is to seal up any cracks or crevices around your home where they could enter. Additionally, keeping your home clean and free of clutter will make it less attractive to centipedes and other pests.
Is there bug spray for centipedes?
The short answer is yes, there are bug sprays that can kill centipedes. However, it’s important to choose the right product for the job. Not all bug sprays are created equal, and some are more effective against certain types of pests than others. In this guide, we’ll help you choose the best centipede killer for your needs.
When choosing a centipede killer, there are a few factors to consider. First, consider what type of bug spray you want to use. There are aerosols, baits, powders, and liquids available on the market. The benefits and setbacks vary between each. For example, liquids may be more effective at killing centipedes, but they can also be more difficult to apply.
Second, think about what you want the bug spray to do. Some products simply kill centipedes on contact, while others repel them or keep them from entering your home in the first place. If you’re not sure which type of product you need, ask a professional exterminator for advice.
Finally, consider your budget when choosing a centipede killer. There are products available at all price points, so it’s important to find one that fits into your budget. Keep in mind that cheaper products may not be as effective as more expensive ones.
Where do centipedes lay eggs?
Centipedes lay their eggs in the soil, and each female can produce up to several hundred eggs at a time. The young centipedes hatch from the egg and are immediately able to start hunting for food. Centipede populations can grow very quickly if conditions are favorable.
Most species of centipede prefer humid environments and are found in tropical or subtropical regions. However, there are a few species that have adapted to living in temperate climates. In North America, the house centipede is the most common type of centipede found indoors.
If you think you have a centipede infestation, it is important to take action right away. Centipedes can be difficult to control once they get established, and they can cause a lot of damage to your home and yard.
Does peppermint oil repel centipedes?
Yes, peppermint oil is an effective repellent for centipedes. In fact, many commercial insecticides contain peppermint oil as an active ingredient. Peppermint oil works by masking the scents that centipedes use to find their prey. This makes it difficult for them to locate food and ultimately drives them away.
There are a few things to keep in mind when using peppermint oil as a repellent. First, it is important to choose a high-quality oil that is 100% pure and natural. Second, be sure to dilute the oil before applying it to your skin or surfaces in your home. Finally, reapply the oil every few days to maintain its effectiveness.
While peppermint oil is an effective repellent, it is important to remember that centipedes can be beneficial insects. They help to control populations of harmful pests, such as cockroaches and silverfish. If you do not want to use peppermint oil, there are a few other natural repellents that can be just as effective, such as eucalyptus oil or citronella oil.
How do I treat my yard for centipedes?
The first step is to identify the problem areas in your yard where centipedes are likely to congregate. These areas could be damp, dark, or humid places like under mulch, in flower beds, near water features, or beneath leaf litter. Once you’ve pinpointed these problem areas, you can start treating them with a centipede killer that best suits your needs.
There are a few different types of centipede killers available on the market:
- Chemical sprays: These products typically contain pyrethrin or permethrin as their active ingredients and work by direct contact to kill centipedes on contact. Be sure to follow the label directions carefully when using these products and always wear gloves and protective clothing when handling them.
- Granules: These products are spread around the perimeter of your yard and work to create a barrier that centipedes cannot cross. Many of these products also contain pyrethrin or permethrin as their active ingredient.
- Baits: These products are designed to attract and kill centipedes by luring them into a trap with an enticing food source. Once the centipede eats the bait, it will die soon after. Some common active ingredients found in baits include borax, acephate, and propoxur.
Does light keep centipedes away?
Yes, light does keep centipedes away. Centipedes are attracted to dark, humid places where they can find their prey. If you keep your home well-lit, it will discourage centipedes from taking up residence. You can also reduce humidity by using a dehumidifier or ventilating damp areas of your home such as the basement or laundry room.
If you have an infestation of centipedes, you may need to use a combination of these methods to get rid of them. Try using sticky traps or baits in addition to reducing moisture and increasing light in the affected area. You may also need to use an insecticide if the infestation is severe. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully to avoid harming yourself or your family.
Does salt stop centipedes?
Yes, salt does kill centipedes. You can use common table salt or Epsom salts. Just sprinkle some salt on the creature and it will die within minutes. This is a quick and easy way to deal with a single centipede, but it’s not very practical if you have a lot of them. Salt is also corrosive, so it’s not something you want to use excessively around your home.
If you have a recurring problem with centipedes, you’ll need to find a more permanent solution. The good news is that there are plenty of effective products on the market that can help you get rid of these pests for good. Read on for our reviews of the best centipede killers available today.
Are there traps for centipedes?
Yes, there are traps that you can purchase to catch centipedes. Some people also make homemade traps using things like soda bottles or Tupperware containers. Be sure to check your trap regularly and dispose of any centipede caught inside it.
If you have a severe infestation, you may want to consider hiring a professional exterminator.
Video Tutorial: Centipede Lawn Care Tips
Final thoughts
To find the best centipede killer for outside or inside use, you need to consider a few important factors – its volume, content and price. Also, try to find out more about the species of bugs and centipedes that bother you. In such a way, you may get the most appropriate pesticide for your insect problem.
Do you have a problem with centipedes on your lawn or backyard? I had hundreds of these nasty bugs but eventually managed to control them. To get rid of them for good, I’ve used a special herbicide type manufactured specifically for killing these bugs. Below you will find my recommendations for the buyers of centipede killers.
Keep in mind that centipedes live mainly in the northern regions, in the regions with a humid climate and wet summer seasons. They poorly tolerate the exposure to sunlight. Also, centipedes are highly sensitive to heat. These bugs are active in the early morning hours before the dew disappears or in the early evening.