
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Overseed Zoysia Grass?

How to Overseed Zoysia Grass?

Welcome! Whether you have lush green lawn or sparse brown patches, overseeding your zoysia grass can dramatically improve the appearance and health of your yard. With just a few simple steps, you’ll have a beautiful lawn in no time. In this blog post, we’ll take you through all the basics of overseeding zoysia grass that will help ensure that your roots are robust and your turf looks great year after year. We’ll cover everything from selecting the right seed to proper seeding techniques to ensuring adequate nourishment for sustained growth. So let’s get started!

What Makes Zoysia Grass Patchy?

The main reason why zoysia grass may become patchy is due to improper care. Zoysia grass needs warm temperatures and regular watering in order for it to stay healthy. Inadequate or inconsistent watering can lead to the grass becoming thin, weak and prone to disease. Poor mowing techniques such as cutting too short or scalping can also damage the grass and make it look patchy. Finally, a lack of fertilization will deprive the soil of nutrients needed by the zoysia grass to stay lush and green.

What Makes Zoysia Grass Patchy?

Should You Overseed Zoysia Grass?

Overseeding Zoysia grass can have several beneficial effects on the health of your lawn. For example, it can promote thicker growth and help establish a more even turf cover. In addition, overseeding helps maintain a healthy stand of grass by filling in bare spots caused by disease or insects. It can also be used to introduce new varieties of Zoysia grass or other types of grasses into an existing stand.

However, there are some considerations that need to be taken before deciding if overseeding is the best option for your lawn. First, you will need to determine what type of soil and climate conditions are present in your area as different species of Zoysia may not be suitable for certain soils and climates. Also, overseeding should only be done when the existing turf is healthy and actively growing.

Finally, you will want to consider the cost of additional seed as well as any potential damage that may occur from traffic or mowing during establishment.

Overall, overseeding Zoysia grass can provide a great way to improve the health of your lawn by promoting thicker growth and introducing new varieties. However, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding if this is the best option for your situation. With proper planning and consideration, overseeding can be an effective method for improving your lawn’s health and appearance. [1]

When To Overseed A Zoysia Grass Lawn?

Timing is important when it comes to overseeding a Zoysia grass lawn. The ideal time for overseeding varies depending on your climate and specific grass variety, but generally speaking, early fall is the preferred time. This will give the new grass seed ample time to establish before winter sets in. In climates with mild winters, late summer may be a choice; and if temperatures remain consistent into winter, you can also consider overseeding as late as December.

How to Overseed Zoysia Grass?

Collect & Remove Debris

The first step in overseeding your Zoysia grass is to collect and remove any debris. This includes leaves, twigs, stones, and other objects that may be on the surface of the lawn. Doing this will help ensure your seed has direct contact with the soil for optimal growth.

Cut The Grass Short

When overseeding Zoysia grass, it is important to cut the grass short. This will help provide more space for the seedlings and can reduce competition from existing vegetation. Use a mower with a bagging attachment so that you can collect all of the clippings in one pass. [2]

Cut The Grass Short

Prepare The Soil

To ensure the best results, you should prepare the soil before overseeding. This includes adding nutrients, such as compost or manure, to help promote healthy growth and aerating the lawn to ensure adequate water and air movement throughout the soil. If desired, you can also use a garden rake to loosen up any compacted areas that may be present in your lawn.

Distribute The Seeds

Once the soil is prepared, you can begin to distribute the seeds. Use a seed spreader for an even distribution and make sure to read and follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions. You should also water the area immediately after sowing in order to help improve germination rates.

Cover The Seeds

After distributing the seeds, you should cover them with a thin layer of mulch or straw. This will help keep the seeds from drying out and can also provide extra warmth to promote germination.

Apply A Fertilizer

Once the seeds have germinated, you can apply a fertilizer to help promote healthy growth. Be sure to read and follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates and timing.

Keep The Soil Moist

In order for the Zoysia grass to thrive, it is important to keep the soil moist. This can be accomplished by watering regularly throughout the growing season and avoiding over-watering. You should also consider applying a layer of mulch around the plants to help retain moisture in between waterings. [3]

Keep The Soil Moist

Maintaining an Overseeded Lawn

Once your Zoysia grass has been overseeded, there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure the health of your lawn.

Watering: It is important to properly water your lawn so that the new and existing grasses receive enough moisture. After overseeding, it is recommended to water every day for the first two weeks, then twice a week thereafter until seedlings begin to emerge. Once they do emerge, only water when needed (typically 1-2 times a week). Water deeply but infrequently to encourage deep roots and healthy growth.

Mowing: Keep mowing height at 3” or higher for best results. This will allow adequate light penetration for both your existing and newly established grasses.

Fertilization: Since new grass seedlings require additional nitrogen to help establish themselves, you should consider fertilizing with a slow-release fertilizer after seeding and at least twice again throughout the growing season. This will provide your lawn with the nutrients it needs without overfeeding or burning it.

Weed Control: Keep weeds out of your overseeded lawn by regularly removing them when they appear, using an appropriate herbicide if needed. Over time, your Zoysia grass should fill in any bare patches and become thick enough to shade out most weed growth on its own.

Overall, proper maintenance of your overseeded lawn is essential for good turf health and a lush, beautiful lawn! With these simple steps, you should be able to easily keep your Zoysia grass looking its best. [4]

What Causes Zoysia Grass?

Zoysia grass is a warm season turfgrass that has the ability to thrive in tough climates and heavy foot traffic. It’s known for its deep green color, heat tolerance, and durability. Zoysia grass is native to Asia but is widely grown throughout the United States. Zoysia grass grows best in full sun and can tolerate partial shade. With proper maintenance and care, it can form an attractive lawn or turf area as well as help control weeds.

The primary cause of zoysia grass spread is through seeding or sodding. Seeding involves spreading a mix of zoysia grass seeds over bare soil. The seeds will germinate with appropriate watering, temperature, time, and sunlight exposure. Sodding involves laying down strips of live grass that are cut into sections. Both methods lead to the establishment of a thick, healthy turf.

However, zoysia grass can also spread through a process called “overseeding” where you add additional seeds or sod to an existing lawn of zoysia grass. This is done by spreading zoysia grass seed uniformly over the entire area and raking them in lightly with a rake so they make contact with the soil below. Watering after overseeding helps promote germination and ensures successful establishment of new grass.

Overseeding is an effective way to help thicken up areas where your existing grass may be thinning out due to wear and tear from foot traffic or environmental stresses. It’s also a good way to fill in bald spots in your lawn, and can help reduce the presence of weeds by outcompeting them for nutrients and available water. By overseeding your zoysia grass regularly, you can ensure that it stays healthy, lush, and thick.

Overall, proper maintenance is key to keeping a healthy zoysia grass lawn. This includes mowing, fertilizing, and watering on a regular basis as well as performing routine aeration and overseeding. With these steps in place, you can maintain a strong turf that will be able to withstand harsh climates and heavy foot traffic while still looking attractive. [5]

What Causes Zoysia Grass?

How To Prevent Zoysia Grass In Your Lawn?

Overseeding zoysia grass is a great way to ensure your lawn stays lush and green all year long. But if you don’t want the extra hassle of overseeding, there are steps you can take to prevent zoysia grass from invading your lawn in the first place.

One of the most important steps is to choose compatible turf grasses when planting or reseeding your lawn. Zoysia loves warm climates, so it will do well in many parts of the United States. However, if you live in an area where temperatures dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), then consider planting tall fescue instead as it is more cold-tolerant than zoysia grass.

You should also be sure to mow your lawn on a regular basis with the correct mowing height. Zoysia can easily outcompete other grasses if it is allowed to grow too tall, so make sure you are mowing at the recommended height for your type of turf grass. If you have any existing zoysia in your lawn, treat it with an herbicide before it spreads further.

Finally, keep a vigilant eye on your lawn for any new signs of zoysia. It’s important to take immediate action if you do detect new patches as this will prevent the spread from getting out of hand. By following these steps and being proactive about controlling zoysia grass, you can ensure that your lawn stays healthy and beautiful for many years to come.

Will Zoysia Grass Take Over Other Grasses?

No, Zoysia grass will not take over other grasses. Despite being an aggressive variety of turfgrass, Zoysia typically has a slower spread than most other lawn grass species. This makes it well-suited for lawns where the owner wants to maintain some diversity in their turf, as they can limit the spread of Zoysia while allowing other grasses to coexist.

However, if you do want to allow your Zoysia to spread and replace other grasses in your lawn, overseeding is a great way to accomplish this. The process involves planting new seeds directly into existing turf to give a uniform look and improved coverage. The best time for overseeding Zoysia is during late summer or early fall, when the soil is still warm and moist. [6]

Will Zoysia Grass Choke Out Weeds?

Yes, zoysia grass is an excellent weed-fighting grass. This warm season turfgrass has a dense growth habit that allows it to outcompete most weeds for sunlight and moisture. Additionally, its thick blades form a tight barrier that prevents some seed germination.

As you overseed your lawn with zoysia grass, the density of the turf should gradually increase, helping to further reduce weed presence in established lawns. For best results, apply pre emergent herbicides when planting to help prevent excessive weed growth during establishment.

With proper care and maintenance, a healthy layer of zoysia grass should help create an effective natural barrier against weeds over time.

Will Zoysia Grass Choke Out Weeds?

What Grasses Mix Well with Zoysia Grass?

When overseeding zoysia grass, you’ll want to make sure that you choose a grass seed that is compatible with the existing turf. The best companion grasses for zoysia are perennial ryegrass and tall fescue. These two types of grasses tend to thrive in many of the same environments as zoysia, including hot summers and cold winters. They will also tolerate similar mowing heights, allowing for easy transition from one species to another. Additionally, these two types of grasses can be used to fill bare patches or create a thicker lawn without having to completely replace your existing zoysia turf.

Another option for mixing with zoysia is a warm-season blend such as centipede grass or Bermuda grass. Both of these species can be used to fill in areas where zoysia is struggling, and they will also tolerate similar mowing heights and management practices. Be mindful that warm-season grasses may require additional water during hot summer months, so it’s best to plan accordingly when overseeding with them.

The key to successful overseeding is choosing the right combination of compatible grasses that will grow well together. Perennial ryegrass and tall fescue are excellent choices for those looking to add a cool season variety to an existing zoysia lawn, while centipede grass or Bermuda grass provide great options for those looking for a warm season companion for their zoysia turf. [7]


What can you overseed Zoysia with?

You can overseed Zoysia grass with perennial ryegrass or annual ryegrass. Be sure to use a seed blend that is made specifically for Zoysia and not for a different type of turfgrass. Additionally, be sure to select a variety of grasses that are suited to the climate in your area. For example, cool-season grass varieties such as annual ryegrass may do better in areas with cooler climates while warm-season varieties such as perennial rye grass may be more suitable for warmer climates.

When should I overseed Zoysia?

The best time to overseed Zoysia is during the late summer or early autumn when temperatures begin to cool off. This allows the new seedlings to establish and become strong enough to survive the winter months. Additionally, overseeding during this time of year can help promote a thicker lawn due to more even growth during the spring season.

How often should I overseed Zoysia?

It is recommended that you overseed Zoysia once every two years. This helps ensure that your turfgrass will stay healthy and look its best over the long-term. Additionally, it is important to properly maintain your lawn in between each overseeding session in order to help prevent any weeds or pests from taking root and impacting the overall quality of your grass.

What do I need for successful overseeding?

In order for successful results from overseeding, you will need to gather the necessary supplies prior to beginning. This includes a bag of seed, fertilizer, and a spreader. Additionally, it is important to properly prepare the area by removing any debris or weeds that may be present in order for the seed to have optimal growth potential.

Why is my Zoysia grass dying?

There are a number of potential reasons why your Zoysia grass may be dying. This could include anything from poor drainage to lack of nutrients or too much water. Additionally, it is important to keep an eye out for pests or weeds that may also be impacting the health of your turfgrass. If you suspect any of these issues are present, be sure to take corrective action immediately in order to help prevent further damage.

Useful Video: Seeding Bermuda Lawns and Zoysia Lawns


Overseeding Zoysia grass is an effective way to keep your lawn healthy and attractive. To maintain a lush, green lawn, it should be done every year. Be sure to first prepare the soil by removing any debris or weeds. Then apply the seed at the right rate depending on your climate and location. After that, cover with a thin layer of straw or mulch, water regularly and mow high for best results. With proper care and maintenance, you will have a beautiful lawn full of lush Zoysia grass in no time. If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for turfgrass option for your home landscape, consider overseeding Zoysia grass!


  1. https://todayshomeowner.com/lawn-garden/guides/overseeding-zoysia-grass-how-to-guide-with-easy-steps/
  2. https://www.lawnandpetal.com/how-to-overseed-a-zoysia-grass-lawn/
  3. https://homeguides.sfgate.com/overseed-zoysia-94643.html
  4. https://www.pennington.com/all-products/grass-seed/resources/all-you-need-to-know-about-zoysia-grass
  5. https://naturallist.com/how-to-overseed-a-zoysia-grass-lawn/
  6. https://www.naturesseed.com/grass-seed/zoysia-grass/how-to-aerate-your-zoysia-lawn/
  7. https://www.whygoodnature.com/zoysia-grass