
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Kill Goose Grass?

How to Kill Goose Grass?

If you’re like most homeowners, you despise goose grass. This pesky weed seems to pop up out of nowhere and takes over your lawn, making it look unsightly. Not to mention, it’s difficult to get rid of! In this epic guide, we will teach you everything you need to know about how to kill goosegrass for good. We’ll cover common questions such as “What is goose grass?” and “How do I kill it?” as well as provide tips on how to prevent this weed from growing in the first place. Let’s get started!

What is Goose Grass

Goosegrass, commonly known as Galium aparine, is an annual herb in the Rubiaceae family. It can be found growing in many different habitats throughout the United States and Europe. It is most recognizable by its long, slender stems that grow to up to 3 feet tall and are covered with hooked hairs. These hairs help the plant cling onto other plants and nearby structures for support. The leaves of goose grass are narrow and arranged opposite one another along the stem. They typically have small white flowers on top that bloom from May to July.

Goose grass thrives in moist environments and prefers full sunlight but will tolerate partial shade. It spreads by seed and can quickly become invasive if not managed properly. If

In many parts of the world, goose grass is regarded as an annoying weed that can be difficult to control. Goose grass can spread quickly, smothering other plants in your garden or lawn if left unchecked. It’s also notoriously difficult to get rid of once it takes hold of a space. Luckily, there are some techniques you can use to successfully kill goosegrass without harming your other plants. [1], [2]

What is Goose Grass

Ways to Deal with Goose Grass

As you can see, goose grass isn’t something to take lightly. To properly get rid of goosegrass, you need to employ multiple methods. In this section, we’ll discuss the most effective ways to kill goosegrass.

Hand pulling

One of the simplest and most affordable ways to manage goose grass is by physically removing it from your lawn. Hand pulling involves manually yanking out individual plants from soil and roots. This method works best when done early in the season, as well as on small patches. To get started, wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt for protection against the plant’s irritating sap. Using a garden fork or trowel, loosen the soil around each plant before tugging them out one by one with your hands. Be sure to remove the entire root system for successful removal.

Leaving even a small piece of the root behind can cause the goose grass to continue growing. After hand pulling, dispose of all plants in a sealed plastic bag. Do not add them to your compost pile as they can easily spread their seeds and regrow in other areas.

Use a pre-emergent herbicide

If you notice goose grass in its early stages, you may be able to prevent it from spreading by using a pre-emergent herbicide. A pre-emergent herbicide is one that’s applied before the weeds emerge. By applying this type of product early, you can kill any germinating weed seeds and prevent them from sprouting.

The best time for treatment is early spring and late spring. By performing the treatment twice, you can ensure better control of the weed. Be sure to read and follow all directions on the product label before applying a pre-emergent herbicide.

It’s important to note that using pre-emergent herbicide is not as effective as using other chemical methods. If you’re looking for more effective control, you may want to consider a post-emergent herbicide. The reason for this lies in the fact that goosegrass germinates much later than other weeds and it’s easy to miss the window for pre-emergent application.

Spot-treat the grass

The next method is spot-treating the grass. This means that you’ll apply a weed killer to only the affected areas, rather than treating your entire lawn. Spot-treatments are typically more effective since they allow for targeted control of weeds, and are also less labor intensive as you don’t have to spread herbicides over an entire lawn. When spot-treating goosegrass, make sure to use a product specifically designed for killing weeds.

For this method you will need to use a non-selective herbicide that contains a weed-killing chemical like fenoxaprop. It works by killing the entire plant, so it’s important to be very careful when spot-treating and make sure you’re not getting any of the herbicide on your lawn or other desirable plants.

Spot-treat the grass

Just keep in mind that if you have any decorative or edible plants around your lawn, you’ll want to avoid using non-selective treatment. For these types of plants, you can instead use a selective herbicide that is formulated for grassy weeds like goosegrass.

Apply a selective post-emergent herbicide

Finally, one of the most effective ways to kill goosegrass is by using a post-emergent herbicide. A selective herbicide is a chemical that is specifically designed to target certain plants while leaving others untouched. Selective herbicides are very useful in killing weeds without harming the desirable grasses and other plants in your lawn or garden.

Selective herbicides are often classified as either pre-emergent or post-emergent, depending on when they should be applied for maximum effectiveness. For killing goosegrass, it’s possible to use a post-emergent selective herbicide that targets broadleaf vegetation such as goosegrass (as opposed to grasses like fescue).

When using a selective herbicide, always read and follow the instructions carefully, as they may vary depending on brand and type. Generally, you should mix the herbicide according to the directions on the label before applying it evenly over your lawn or garden with a handheld sprayer. Be sure to wear protective clothing such as gloves and long sleeves when applying herbicides. Additionally, take care not to apply more than is recommended—doing so can damage other plants and even harm animals that come into contact with it.

Just keep in mind that when choosing the herbicide to do the job, it should be labeled as for goosegrass control and specifically say that it is safe for the other plants in your garden. [1], [2]

Preventing Goose Grass

Now that you know how to kill goosegrass, it’s important to learn some tips for preventing it from coming back. Prevention is often easier and more effective than cure, so it’s important to be proactive in keeping your lawn weed-free.

Aerating your lawn can help to prevent goose grass from taking root. This is because aeration loosens the soil and helps to keep it healthy by allowing air, water, and other nutrients to penetrate deep into the ground. Aeration also breaks up compacted areas which provides room for new grass seeds to germinate.

Goose grass likes dense and poorly drained soil, so aerating your soil will make it less hospitable for goosegrass. Additionally, aeration can help to reduce the competition from existing weeds which creates a more balanced ecosystem in your lawn.

Watering your lawn regularly will also help to maintain your lawn in a healthy state. Watering strengthens the existing grass, making it more difficult for weeds to take hold. Additionally, deep watering encourages deeper root growth which provides a stable foundation for your lawn.

You should also be sure to keep your lawn mowed regularly with sharp blades so that the grass is kept short and even. This helps reduce competition from other plants, as well as create room for new grass seedlings to germinate and thrive. [2]

Preventing Goose Grass


Will Roundup kill goosegrass?

While Roundup may seem like a good option for killing goosegrass, it is not the most effective solution. Roundup will only kill the top of the plant and leave the roots underground to regrow. Additionally, applying too much Roundup can damage nearby plants and flowers.

For a more reliable solution, you should herbicides that specifically target goose grass. These products are designed to not only kill the top of the plant, but also penetrate down into the roots and prevent regrowth.

What’s the best way to get rid of goosegrass?

The best way to get rid of goosegrass is through a combination of physical removal and chemical control. If you’re looking to remove the weed physically, manual digging and tilling are your best bet. Digging up the roots of the plant is essential; simply uprooting them won’t do much as they can often re-root and regrow. You can also use an implement such as a hoe or shovel to cut off the top portion of the plant, which will reduce its ability to photosynthesize and cause it to eventually die off.

Chemical control is another great option for killing goosegrass. Herbicides that contain either fenoxaprop or mesotrione are effective at killing this weed while being safe for the surrounding environment. When applying herbicides, always be sure to read the label and follow the instructions closely. Additionally, you should be careful to only use herbicides that are safe for your particular type of grass and soil conditions.

What is the best herbicide to kill goosegrass?

The best herbicide for killing goosegrass is fenoxaprop. This active ingredient can be found in many types of commercial herbicides, including Acclaim Extra. It is important to note that fenoxaprop works best when the grass is actively growing. Therefore, it should be used during the early stages of growth or when temperatures are ideal for germination.

Will Celsius kill goosegrass?

No, Celsius will not kill goosegrass. While it is a broadleaf herbicide, it does not contain the active ingredient necessary to effectively control or kill this weed. Instead, you should use an herbicide that specifically targets goosegrass and other similar species in order to achieve the desired result.

Ortho® GroundClear® Super Weed & Grass Killer is one of the best options when it comes to killing goosegrass. This particular herbicide contains two active ingredients, fluazifop-p-butyl and diquat dibromide, which are both effective at destroying the weed and preventing regrowth. Additionally, it is safe to use around most of the plants, trees, and shrubs while still providing excellent control of goose grass.

Will Celsius kill goosegrass?

What will kill goosegrass in Bermuda?

A selective herbicide containing either fenoxaprop or mesotrione is the best way to kill goosegrass in Bermuda. When used as directed, these products will target and eliminate the unwanted grass without harming other vegetation.

When using an herbicide, it’s important to start early in the spring when temperatures are still cool. Apply before the grass starts flowering and has a chance to produce seeds that can spread into other areas of your lawn.

You’ll need to read and follow all instructions on the product label for proper application rates, timing, and safety precautions. Hand weeding may also be necessary if there are small areas affected by goosegrass that don’t warrant use of an herbicide.

Useful Video: How to Kill Goose Grass


Goose grass is a common garden problem that can be difficult to eliminate. With dedication and persistence, it is possible to eradicate goose grass from your lawn or garden. Following the steps outlined in this guide has proven effective for many homeowners—from reducing existing goose grass infestations to preventing future outbreaks.

Start by assessing if you have goosegrass on your property and then create a plan of attack based on the severity of the situation. Regular mowing and manual removal are good methods for keeping goose grass at bay, but may not completely eradicate it from your landscape. If extensive infestations occur, chemical herbicides can be used with caution to reduce the invasion of geese grass in homes and lawns. The most effective chemical treatment by far is using the selective herbicide after the grass has emerged.

Finally, focus on prevention by paying attention to your garden and staying vigilant for signs of new geese grass growth. Keep the soil moist, apply organic mulch around plants, and avoid over-fertilizing.

Thanks for reading our guide on how to kill goosegrass. We hope that this article has been helpful in your endeavor to create a beautiful and weed-free lawn or garden. By following these strategies for how to kill goosegrass, you can enjoy a healthy lawn free from pesky weeds. Good luck!


  1. https://www.domyown.com/how-to-get-rid-of-goosegrass-a-807.html
  2. https://homeguides.sfgate.com/kill-goosegrass-43275.html