
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can You Put Weed and Feed on New Grass Seed?

Can You Put Weed and Feed on New Grass Seed?

If you’re a homeowner looking to have lush vibrant green grass, then you may be considering adding weed and feed fertilizer to your newly-planted grass seed. But is this really the best choice for your lawn? In this article, we will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of using weed and feed on newly planted grass seed. Additionally, we will offer helpful advice to assist you in making a well-informed decision on whether or not this approach is suitable for your property. We’ll also talk about which products are best suited for different types of soil, how often they should be applied, any potential risks associated with their usage, as well as other options available if weed and feed isn’t suitable for your needs. Read on to learn more!

What Is Weed And Feed?

“Weed and feed” is a product that contains both fertilizer and herbicide. It can help nourish your lawn while also getting rid of weeds. It typically contains an active ingredient like glyphosate or trifluralin that kills weeds on contact, along with nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients to help promote healthy growth in your lawn.

What Is Weed And Feed?

Can You Put Weed And Feed On Grass Seed?

It is not recommended to apply weed and feed on newly planted grass seed. Weed and feed products are designed to kill existing weeds, but they can also harm recently planted grass seeds. Products containing pre-emergent herbicides can damage germinating seeds and prevent them from growing properly. 

Additionally, these products may contain other chemicals that can be harmful to your newly planted seed bed.

Weed and feed should only be used after the grass has already been established for several months. To control weeds in your yard before planting a new lawn, use herbicide spot treatments rather than broad-spectrum weed killers such as weed and feed products. When it’s time for fertilizing your newly planted seed, use a product that is specifically designed for grass seed. These products contain the essential nutrients needed for proper root and blade growth without damaging germinating seeds.

In conclusion, it’s important to never use weed and feed on new grass seed – it can hinder their ability to grow properly and cause damage to the developing lawn. Use spot treatments of herbicide or other weed control methods if necessary before planting a new lawn, and fertilize with products specifically designed for grass seed when the time comes. Taking these steps will help ensure that your newly established lawn gets off to a good start. [1]

When To Plant Grass Seed After Weed And Feed?

It’s important to wait a sufficient amount of time after applying weed and feed to your lawn before planting grass seed. Depending on the type of weed and feed product used, you should plan to wait anywhere from 3-4 weeks between application and planting. Waiting for this period will enable the fertilizer in the weed and feed to absorb into the soil properly, which will result in nutrient-rich soil for your new grass seedlings to benefit fully.

For optimal results, plant grass seed when the weed population is in the process of dying off after being treated with herbicides. Make sure that all weeds have been eliminated before sowing seeds because otherwise they could compete with your newly-planted grass for light, water, and soil nutrients.

If you are uncertain whether or not enough time has passed after applying weed and feed before planting your grass seed, it’s best to wait a little longer in order to ensure the highest success rate for your seeding efforts. Taking the extra time can help your new grass get off on the right foot and enjoy a beautiful green lawn much sooner! [2]

When To Plant Grass Seed After Weed And Feed?

How Long After Seeding Can You Spray For Weeds?

It is recommended to wait for a minimum of one month after seeding your lawn before using a weed and feed product. New grass seedlings are delicate and could be harmed by the chemicals in weed and feed. Waiting a month ensures that there is enough established root growth for the new grass to be able to tolerate the application of weed and feed without damage.

It is also important to make sure that any newly seeded patches of grass are well-watered prior to application of the weed and feed. This will ensure that the seeds can establish good root systems, which helps them withstand herbicides or other chemicals found in many weed and feed products. Watering can also help move the chemicals down into the soil where they can be more effective at killing weeds instead of just killing the surrounding grass.

It is crucial to carefully read and adhere to the instructions while applying weed and feed products. Different formulations have different application rates depending on the size of your lawn. Applying too much could cause damage or discoloration of your grass, so it is best to use only as directed by the manufacturer. With a little patience and following proper instructions, you can successfully apply weed and feed to both new and established lawns alike.

Weed Control Tips After Seeding A Lawn

Seeding a new lawn is an exciting and rewarding process. However, you need to be mindful of the care it requires in order for it to thrive. One important step is making sure that your weed control methods do not inhibit your grass seed from germinating and filling in.

The use of Weed and Feed products should generally be avoided until the grass has been mowed at least three times, as they can interfere with germination and growth. If you have already put down Weed and Feed prior to seeding your lawn, water the area thoroughly before seeding. This will help dissolve any granules that are sitting on top of the soil where they could damage seedlings.

In addition to avoiding Weed and Feed, there are several other steps you can take to ensure healthy grass growth:

  • Monitor your lawn for weeds and remove them by hand if possible.
  • Spot treat problem areas with a selective herbicide that targets only the weed without harming the grass seedlings.
  • Mulch or top-dress your lawn with peat moss or compost after seeding to help keep moisture in and discourage weed germination.
  • Make sure your soil pH is balanced before seeding; most types of grass prefer a neutral pH level (6.0-7.0). If necessary, use lime to adjust the pH level.
  • Water regularly but don’t overwater – too much water can create the ideal environment for weeds to thrive.
  • Choose grass seed varieties that are specifically designed for weed resistance; these varieties have been bred to tolerate drought, heat, and shade as well as being better able to compete against weeds.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your new lawn grows strong and healthy without the need for Weed and Feed products. Keep in mind that it takes time for grass seeds to germinate and fill in – so be patient with your lawn’s growth process! With regular care and attention, you will soon have a beautiful, lush new lawn. [3]

Weed Control Tips After Seeding A Lawn

Considerations And Precautions

When using weed and feed on new grass seed, there are a few considerations and precautions to keep in mind.

First and foremost, you should be aware of the fact that most weed killers will kill young grass plants as well; therefore, it is best to wait until the seedlings have established themselves before applying any weed killer.

It is also important to read the directions for use carefully; many brands provide specific recommendations for when and how much product should be applied on newly sown grass seed. Additionally, always follow the label instructions precisely to prevent over-application or other missteps that could potentially damage your lawn.

Finally, consider using an herbicide specifically designed for newly planted turf if possible as this can help reduce potential damage even further. [4]

Alternatives to Weed and Feed for New Grass Seed

When it comes to new grass seed, Weed and Feed is not the only option. There are several alternatives that can provide effective weed control without putting your new lawn at risk.

One of the best alternatives to Weed and Feed for new grass seed is pre-emergent herbicides. These products work by forming a barrier in the soil that prevents weeds from emerging. They should be applied before you scatter your grass seeds, as they won’t have an effect on existing weeds. This makes it a great choice for taking care of any potential weed problems before they ever even start germinating!

Another alternative to Weed and Feed is post-emergent herbicides. These products kill existing weeds that are already growing in your lawn. They can be used after you’ve scattered the grass seed and started to see some germination, but it’s important to wait until the young grass plants have had a chance to establish themselves before applying these herbicides.

Finally, natural solutions like vinegar, boiling water, and even corn gluten meal can provide effective weed control without putting your new grass at risk. Keep in mind that none of these solutions will prevent new weeds from popping up in the future, so you may need to re-apply periodically.

Ultimately, Weed and Feed is not the only option when it comes to managing weeds on new grass seed. Before using any product or method on your lawn, make sure you understand the risks and follow the directions carefully. That way, you can ensure your new lawn gets off to a great start! [5]

Alternatives to Weed


What is the best time of day to plant grass seed?

The best time to plant grass seed is in the early morning or late evening. This helps to ensure that the soil and seeds are not exposed to too much direct sunlight and heat, which can cause them to dry out quickly. Additionally, planting your new grass seed when temperatures are milder will give it a better chance of germinating successfully.

Can I use weed and feed on newly planted grass seed?

No, you should never apply a weed and feed fertilizer to newly planted grass seed as it could inhibit its growth. Instead, wait until your new grass has established itself in your lawn before applying any type of fertilizer. Generally speaking, this will be around six weeks after seeding. It’s also important to note that new grass seed requires a light application of fertilizer, so don’t overdo it.

What should I do if my newly planted grass seed isn’t germinating?

It is possible that the environment you are growing your grass in is too hot or dry for the seed to successfully germinate. In this case, you may need to water and fertilize more often to ensure the soil stays moist and fertile. Additionally, try mulching around your seeds with hay or compost to keep moisture in the ground and protect against weeds. Finally, make sure you are using high-quality grass seed suited for your climate and weather conditions.

What kind of fertilizer should I use for my grass seed?

For best results, you should choose a fertilizer specifically designed for seeding and sodding lawns. These products typically contain nitrogen and phosphorus to help promote faster germination and root development. Additionally, they provide essential micronutrients that will boost the overall health of your new grass seedlings. For best results, apply a light layer of fertilizer after seeding and water it in immediately.

How long will it take for my new grass seed to germinate?

This depends on a number of factors, including the type of grass seed you are using and your local climate. Generally speaking, most warm-season grasses will germinate within one to two weeks, while cool-season grasses may take up to four weeks. You should also note that some species of grass require specific temperatures or light levels in order to germinate successfully.

Can I mow newly planted grass seed?

No, mowing newly planted grass seed is not recommended as this can damage the fragile root systems of your young plants. Instead, wait until your new lawn has become established before cutting it for the first time. This usually takes six to eight weeks depending on the grass species and environmental conditions. Overall, planting new grass seed can be a rewarding endeavor that adds life and beauty to your lawn. Following these tips will help ensure that you get healthy, lush grass in no time!

Can I mow newly planted grass seed?

What is the best weed killer for newly seeded grass?

When it comes to protecting newly seeded grass from weeds, the best solution is to use a pre-emergent herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides are designed to prevent weed seeds from germinating and growing in the first place. Some of the most common active ingredients found in these products include pendimethalin, trifluralin, and oxadiazon. These products can be applied prior to seeding or shortly after seeding begins. They will keep weed seeds from sprouting for several months so that your grass has ample time to take root and thrive without competition from other plants. It is important to note that if you have already spread fertilizer when preparing the soil for planting, it is likely that you will not need a weed and feed product to protect your newly seeded grass.

What month should I put the grass seed down?

The best time to seed your lawn is in the early fall, when temperatures are cooler and rainfall is more consistent. This will help ensure that the grass seeds have an optimal chance of germinating and establishing themselves before winter sets in. It is also important to wait until after any major weed control efforts have been completed so that you can give your newly planted grass a head start without competition from weeds. If you’re looking for a longer-term solution to preventing weeds in your newly seeded lawn, it may be beneficial to consider applying a pre-emergent herbicide prior to seeding or shortly after seeding begins. Pre-emergent herbicides are designed to prevent weed seeds from sprouting and provide long-term protection for your newly seeded grass.

What is the quickest growing grass seed?

The quickest growing grass seed can depend on a variety of factors, such as geographical location and climate.  Generally, you’ll want to select seeds that are suited for the specific area you reside in when trying to grow grass quickly. Examples of grasses that generally germinate within 5 to 10 days include annual ryegrass, bentgrass, bluegrass, fescue and Bermuda grass. Depending on the type of grass you’re trying to establish it may take longer than this for your seedlings to emerge from the soil. Additionally, if you want your lawn restored quickly then overseeding with a mix containing several types of quick-growing species is recommended.

Useful Video: Weeds Growing In New Grass Seed | Is It Ruined??


The answer to the question of whether you can put weed and feed on new grass seed is complicated. While it may be possible to do so, there are a number of factors that should be taken into account before attempting this. We recommend discussing this option with your local lawn care professional who will be able to provide more specific advice based on your particular circumstances. Ultimately, proper maintenance practices such as mowing, watering, and aerating will help ensure a healthy lawn for many years to come and should take precedence over any short-term solutions such as applying weed and feed products.


  1. https://scotts.com/en-us/lawn-care-101/the-questions-people-ask-most-about-grass-seed.html
  2. https://www.backyardboss.net/best-time-to-seed-your-lawn/
  3. https://homeguides.sfgate.com/long-after-ive-planted-grass-seed-can-apply-weed-killer-93816.html
  4. https://lawnmodel.com/will-weed-feed-kill-grass-seed/
  5. https://agreenhand.com/weed-and-feed-and-grass-seed-at-same-time/