
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Bermuda Grass Diseases

Bermuda Grass Diseases

Turfgrass diseases can be devastating to Bermuda grass and other lawns, creating patches of dead or sparse turf. These diseases are often caused by a variety of fungi, bacteria and viruses, some of which cannot be seen without the help of microscopes. Prevention is the best treatment for controlling these illnesses; however, if your grass shows signs of infection you should take steps toward diagnosis and treating it quickly to reduce the spread of your turf’s illness. Read on to learn more about common Bermuda Grass Diseases and how you can identify their symptoms in order to prevent serious infestations from occurring!

Is Bermuda Grass Prone To Diseases?

Indeed, Bermuda grass is vulnerable to a plethora of diseases. Common illnesses that afflict Bermuda grass are leaf spot, stolbur dieback, rust and take-all patch. Leaf spot is caused by a fungus and results in yellowish spots on the grass blades that can be up to half an inch in size. Stolbur dieback is also caused by fungus and can cause the leaves of the plant to turn yellow or brown and die off over time. Rust causes reddish-brown patches on the grass blades which eventually dry out and fall off. Take-all patch is caused by a soil fungus that causes circular patches of dead or dying grass in well watered lawns.

Proper care, including regular mowing and fertilizing, can help to prevent or reduce the risk of Bermuda grass diseases. Additionally, proper drainage is important to keep the soil from becoming too wet and promoting disease growth. If a disease does develop, it’s best to contact a professional for treatment advice as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment are key in preventing a disease from spreading further and causing extensive damage.

It’s also important to treat any debris around your lawn that may contain fungal spores since these could cause future infestations if left untreated. Taking preventative measures can go a long way in helping to protect your lawn from potential Bermuda grass diseases.

By following good maintenance practices, you can help protect your Bermuda grass from common diseases such as leaf spot, stolbur dieback, rust and take-all patch. If you suspect your lawn may have a disease, it’s important to contact a professional as soon as possible for proper treatment advice. [1]

Is Bermuda Grass Prone To Diseases?

Common Bermuda Grass Diseases


Brown patch disease is one of the most widespread infestations of Bermuda grass, caused by a fungus that flourishes in areas with high levels of humidity and moisture. The disease may develop anywhere on the grass blades in circular patterns or streaks, causing them to turn brown and die off. To prevent anthracnose from spreading, it’s important to reduce excessive moisture and improve air circulation around the grass.

Large Patch

Large patch is a fungal disease that usually develops during the cool season when temperatures range between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Common symptoms of this disease include circular patches of dead grass, yellow or brown discoloration and stunted growth. To prevent large patches from spreading, mow the grass regularly and keep it at least two inches in height. Proper fertilization with high nitrogen fertilizer may also help control the disease.

Fairy Ring

Fairy ring is caused by a fungus that grows on Bermuda grass in circles or arcs. The disease is characterized by green rings or arcs of lush vegetation surrounded by dry, brown patches of dying turf. To prevent fairy rings from developing, regular fertilization and proper mowing are necessary to maintain healthy turfgrass.

Dollar Spot

Dollar Spot, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, is one of the most common Bermuda grass diseases. This disease appears as circular brown spots on turfgrass with yellow borders. The symptoms are more noticeable during moist conditions and can be seen year-round in warm climates. To treat this disease, a fungicide should be applied to the affected area following label directions. Also, it is important to practice good cultural practices like proper fertilization and irrigation to promote healthy growth and reduce stress on the grass. [2]

Dollar Spot

Leaf Spot And Melting Out

Leaf Spot and Melting Out are caused by the fungus Pyricularia grisea. This disease affects the leaf blades of turfgrass, causing them to become yellowish-brown in color with dark spots. The patches can be especially severe during periods of moist weather and high temperatures. To control this disease, it is important to mow regularly and rake up clippings from the lawn. Additionally, a fungicide should be applied following label directions if necessary.

Rust Disease

Rust disease, caused by the fungus Puccinia jaceae-vilicae, is another common Bermuda grass disorder. This disease causes reddish-brown patches of turfgrass that may spread if not treated properly. Fortunately, this disease can be controlled with fungicide applications following the directions on the product label. Additionally, proper cultural practices such as avoiding excessive nitrogen fertilization and mowing regularly can help to prevent the spread of rust disease. [3]

Spring Dead Spot

Spring Dead Spot is caused by the fungus Ophiosphaerella herpotrichoides. This disease causes circular patches of dead grass to appear in turfgrass, typically during the spring months. The best way to treat this disease is with a fungicide formulation that contains active ingredients such as chlorothalonil or thiophanate-methyl.

Other Problems With Bermudagrass Lawns

Bermuda Grass Mite

Bermuda Grass Mite (Eriophyes cynodoniensis) is a microscopic insect that creates an unsightly scalelike appearance on the leaves of Bermuda grass. The mites feed off of the sap from the plant, which weakens it and causes discoloration and yellowing. In severe cases, Bermuda grass lawns can become completely brown due to large infestations.


Armyworms (Spodoptera mauritia) are a caterpillar-like pest that can damage Bermuda grass lawns. The larvae feed on the grass blades, leaving large areas of discolored turf and dead patches in their wake. Armyworms typically appear during the late summer months but can be active for much longer periods of time. [4]

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs (Blissus leucopterus) are an insect pest that feeds on the roots of Bermuda grass. Chinch bug infestations can cause extensive damage to lawns by weakening turf and creating large brown spots throughout the area. Treatment for chinch bug infestations includes applying an insecticide specifically designed to target these pests.

Chinch Bugs

Sod Webworms

Sod Webworms are a common pest that can affect Bermuda grass. These tiny, whitish-gray caterpillars feed on the foliage of Bermuda grass and leave behind irregular patches of dead or browned grass. To prevent an infestation of sod webworms, it is important to keep the lawn healthy by mowing regularly and fertilizing as needed. If an infestation does occur, insecticides containing Bacillus thuringiensis or pyrethrins may be used to control the population.


Prevention of the diseases is key for a healthy Bermuda grass lawn. Properly fertilizing and mowing at the correct height can help prevent fungus from developing and spreading. Regular inspection of your lawn for signs of disease can also help catch any issues before they become more serious. Additionally, regularly irrigating your grass to prevent it from drying out, as well as aerating it and dethatching it can all help preserve its health.

If you notice patches of diseased grass in your yard, remove them promptly and avoid walking through those areas until they are completely cleared up. Even after removing these areas, there may be residual spores on plants or soil that could spread to other parts of your lawn, so it’s important to keep an eye out and take further preventative measures. Carefully following the instructions on any fungicides you choose to use can also help prevent damage and spread of disease in your Bermuda grass lawn.

In short, taking proactive steps to maintain a healthy lawn is essential for preventing diseases from developing. If you suspect that your lawn may be affected by one of the common Bermuda grass diseases, contact a professional lawn care specialist for assistance in diagnosing and treating it. With some time and effort, you can keep your green turf looking its best! [5]

Bermuda Grass Versus Fescue

Bermuda grass and fescue are two popular warm-season turfgrass varieties. Each has its own unique characteristics that make it ideal for certain applications, but they also come with different problems.

One of the main differences between Bermuda grass and Fescue is their susceptibility to disease. Bermuda grass is known for being highly tolerant to diseases such as smut, rust, leaf spot, and anthracnose. While these diseases can still occur on Bermuda grass lawns, they tend to not be as severe or destructive as they would be on other types of turfgrasses. On the other hand, Fescue is much more susceptible to disease like brown patch, take-all patch, fairy ring and stem rust. These diseases can be difficult to control and can cause significant damage if they are not addressed quickly.

For homeowners who want a low-maintenance lawn that is resistant to disease, Bermuda grass may be the better choice. It is also important to note that Fescue requires regular maintenance in order to keep it healthy, such as mowing and fertilizing. In contrast, Bermuda grass needs little routine care other than occasional watering and edging around walkways or paved areas.

Overall, both Bermuda grass and fescue have their pros and cons when it comes to disease resistance. Knowing what each type of grass is best suited for is essential in order to create an attractive lawn that will last a long time without succumbing to diseases. With proper care, both types of turfgrass can provide a beautiful and healthy lawn.

Bermuda Grass Versus Fescue

Bermuda Grass Maintenance

Bermuda grass is a warm-season perennial that thrives in warm climates and is often used for lawns, pastures, golf courses, and sports fields. To maintain a healthy Bermuda grass lawn or other turf areas it is important to practice regular maintenance. This includes mowing the grass at least monthly to the recommended height of between 1” – 2” (2.5 cm – 5 cm). The frequency of mowing will depend on how quickly your grass grows; if you notice that it is growing faster than usual then you may need to mow more frequently.

When mowing Bermuda grass, be sure not to cut more than one-third of the total leaf blade as this could result in scalping and/or turf damage. You should also avoid over fertilizing or using too much water as this can cause your grass to become weak and susceptible to disease.

Additionally, it is important to remove any weeds that may be growing in your lawn as they can compete with the Bermuda grass for resources and cause it to become weakened. Finally, make sure to aerate the soil around your turf regularly; this will help keep the soil oxygenated and well-drained, which is essential for healthy growth.

By following these tips and taking steps to prevent Bermuda Grass diseases you can ensure that your lawn stays healthy and attractive for years to come. With proper care, Bermuda grass can provide a beautiful and low maintenance surface for any outdoor area! [6]


What diseases affect Bermuda grass?

Bermuda grass is vulnerable to a variety of diseases, including brown patch, large patch, pythium blight, take-all root rot and gray leaf spot. Additionally, it can also be affected by nematodes and dollar spot. To reduce the risk of disease affecting your grass, it’s important to choose the right type of Bermuda grass for your climate and follow proper cultural practices for mowing, fertilizing and watering. If you do suspect that your Bermuda grass has been infected with a disease, contact a professional turfgrass specialist as soon as possible for assistance in diagnosing and treating the problem.

What diseases affect Bermuda grass?

What are some symptoms of Bermuda grass diseases?

The most common symptom of disease in Bermuda grass is yellow or brown patches in the turf. In some cases, these patches may be circular or oval and have a distinct margin between them and healthy grass areas. Other symptoms of disease can include leaf discoloration, wilting, stunting or death of individual plants. In severe cases, the grass may have an off-color appearance and show signs of dieback with infected leaves turning brown and dead. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact a professional turfgrass specialist for assistance in diagnosing and treating the problem.

What is the best way to prevent Bermuda grass diseases?

The best way to prevent Bermuda grass diseases is by choosing the right type of grass for your climate and following proper cultural practices such as mowing at the correct height, fertilizing and watering correctly. Additionally, make sure to inspect your grass regularly for signs of infection and take steps to control any weeds or pests that may be present as these can harbor diseases. Finally, it’s also important to practice proper sanitation by removing infected plants and debris from the area in order to reduce the chances of disease spread.

What should I do if I think my Bermuda grass is infected with a disease?

If you suspect that your Bermuda grass has been affected by a disease, contact a professional turfgrass specialist as soon as possible for assistance in diagnosing and treating the problem. The specialist can provide an accurate diagnosis of the issue and suggest appropriate management strategies based on their findings. In some cases, chemical treatments may be necessary in order to control or eradicate the disease. If this is the case, be sure to follow all label instructions carefully when applying any products in order to ensure proper and safe use. Finally, it’s also important to practice good cultural practices as mentioned earlier in order to help prevent future disease outbreaks.

What does fungus look like on Bermuda grass?

Fungal diseases on Bermuda grass can appear as circular patches with yellow or brown discoloration that may spread over time. In some cases, the patches may have a red or purple tinge. Additionally, infected areas of the grass may become matted and slimy to the touch. Common fungal diseases found on Bermuda grass include gray leaf spot, large patch, take-all patch, summer patch, dollar spot and rust. Proper maintenance practices are essential in preventing fungal infections and treating affected areas if needed. These practices include proper watering techniques and mowing at the recommended height for your type of Bermuda grass.

Useful Video: Fixing Ugly Bermuda Lawn


Bermuda grass is a resilient and versatile lawn and turfgrass, but it is still vulnerable to certain diseases. It’s important for homeowners to be aware of the common Bermuda grass diseases so they can take steps to prevent and treat any problems that arise. Common signs of disease are discoloration, wilting, yellow patches, or dead spots on the blades. By being vigilant in your lawn care routine, you can help manage and reduce the risk of developing these types of issues. Additionally, understanding which preventative methods to employ will help keep your lawn healthy and lush. Proper fertilization, regular mowing, aerating the soil, and inspecting your lawn regularly are all easy ways to keep your Bermuda grass free from disease.


  1. https://lawnlove.com/blog/common-bermudagrass-diseases/
  2. https://www.uaex.uada.edu/yard-garden/resource-library/diseases/bermudagrass/
  3. https://lawnmodel.com/bermuda-grass-diseases/
  4. https://www.outsidepride.com/seed/grass-seed/bermuda-grass-seed/bermuda-grass-diseases/
  5. https://www.lawnandpetal.com/7-most-common-bermuda-grass-problems/
  6. https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=C887