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difference between natural fertilizers and artificial fertilizer?

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Melanie Harvey
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Cathy Ray
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Good Afternoon Mat,

Natural/organic fertilizers have been used for over 10,000 years. History will show that natural/organic fertilizers were used in China, the Middle East, and America. They are natural in nature. Natural/organic fertilizers can be animal manure, seaweed, compost, or crop turn under.

The same is not true with artificial/inorganic fertilizers. They were invented at the time of the industrial revolution. Artificial/inorganic fertilizers are made from synthetic chemicals and minerals.

Both natural and artificial fertilizers contain major minerals: Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium. Both fertilizers replace these major minerals back into the soil.

The problem is studies have shown that many artificial fertilizers do not replace trace elements: Boron, chlorine, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and selenium. These elements are lower in fruits and vegetables grown with artificial fertilizers. This is a major difference between the two.

The other problem is artificial fertilizers do nothing to change the quality of the soil. It is like taking a vitamin pill. Your soil does not change. Natural fertilizers decay slowly and enrich the quality of the soil for years. Natural fertilizers also help to maintain a good soil ph balance. Soil Ph balance is very important to every plant and tree.

I have been an organic gardener for over sixty (60) years. I started in the hills of Kentucky at the age of three (smile) with my uncles help. I have a huge garden and nine rare fruit trees. This is why I tell gardeners to use compost with chicken manure as a fertilizer for their fruits and vegetables. The combination of these two elements also draws earthworms to the soil. Earthworms are a gardener’s extra workers. They carry minerals and nutrients deep into the soil for the roots to consume. I hope this answers your question.

I am also going to include some more knowledge/extra credit for you about your fertilizer question. This is a TRUE story.


Word Origin: Early 1700’s England.

Animal manure (fertilizer) was bundled up and transported by ship. Sometimes the sea water would hit the manure. The manure would go through fermentation. The by-product is methane gas. The methane gas would build up below decks. In would walk a person with a lighted lantern…… BOOOOM!!!!

Several ships were destroyed before it was discovered what was happening. After that, the bundles of manure where always stamped with the term “S.H.I.T”: This meant for the sailors to “Ship High in Transit”.


You and your family have a beautiful week end. Peace, from Los Angeles.
