
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Get Rid of Morning Glory in Grass?

How to Get Rid of Morning Glory in Grass?

If you’ve been dealing with morning glory in your grass, you’re not alone. This weed is notorious for being difficult to get rid of. However, with the right tips and techniques, you can finally say goodbye to those pesky morning glory plants! In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of morning glory in grass. We’ll answer common questions and provide useful tips that will help you achieve victory over this weed once and for all!

Why Would You Want to Get Rid of Morning Glory in Grass

The morning glory is a beautiful flower that can add color and beauty to your lawn or garden. However, it’s also an incredibly invasive weed that can quickly take over your grass. Once established, the morning glory will crowd out other plants and prevent them from getting enough sunlight or water to survive. This, in turn, reduces the overall health of your grass.

Morning glory is closely related to bindweed, and like with bindweed, it can be difficult to get rid of. The morning glory has a thick stem that’s hard to dig out and it produces thousands of seeds each year that sprout quickly in the soil.

Additionally, the morning glory has deep roots that can penetrate the soil and cause drainage problems. This leads to puddles forming on your property which can damage foundations and attract mosquitoes. As if all of this wasn’t bad enough, extracting these thick roots is a laborious process that consumes a great deal of time and energy!

For these reasons, it’s important to take action against this weed as soon as you notice it growing in your lawn. The sooner you can get rid of morning glory in your grass, the better off you will be.

In the next section we will discuss the different methods that can help you eradicate morning glory from your lawn. We will look at both chemical and manual strategies so that you can choose the best approach for your situation. Let’s begin! [1], [2], [3]

Get Rid of Morning Glory in Grass

How to Kill Morning Glory in Grass

So you’ve decided to take action against the morning glory in your grass and get rid of it once and for all. Well, there are several approaches you can take. In this section we will look at both chemical and manual methods for eradicating morning glory from your lawn.

Steam method

One way to get rid of morning glory in your grass is by using a steamer. This approach involves blasting the morning glory with steam and killing it off completely.

To begin, you will need to get your hands on a weed steamer. These can usually be found at your local hardware store or garden center. Once you have the steamer, fill it up with clean water and connect it to a power source.

Next, turn the steamer on and hold the nozzle over the morning glory until the leaves begin to wilt. This will direct steam onto the plant and kill off both the leaves and roots of the weed.

Finally, wait until all of the moisture has evaporated from your lawn before removing any dead vegetation from your property.

If you can’t find a weed steamer in your area, you can use a regular steam cleaner instead. While it won’t be as effective as a dedicated weed steamer, it should still help to kill off the morning glory in your grass. You will need to find a steamer that can reach at least 250 °F in order to effectively kill the weeds.

Cover the ground

The simplest and most eco-friendly way to kill morning glory in grass is by covering the ground with something impermeable. This prevents light from reaching the weeds, which stops them from growing. Plastic sheeting, newspapers or even old carpet are all great options for this technique.

Simply lay down your material and secure it with rocks or bricks around its edges. Allow it to remain in place for at least 4 years before removing it – this tends to be enough time for most of the weeds to die off. Then simply remove the material, dig up any remaining roots, and reseed your grass where necessary.

Mulch is another great alternative for covering the ground and killing off morning glory in your grass. It can help suppress weeds, retain moisture and prevent erosion. Just be sure to place at least  2–3 inches of mulch over the affected area.

Similarly, you can also use landscape cloth or weed barrier fabric to cover the ground and keep weeds from growing. However, be aware that this won’t kill existing morning glory plants – it will only stop new ones from sprouting up.

Cover the ground

As you can see, this method takes a lot of time and effort. But if you’re willing to put in the work, it can be an effective way to eradicate morning glory from your lawn.

Pull the hedges manually

If you have a type of morning glory that grows upright, then the best way to remove it is by pulling it out manually. You should simply pick morning glory and unwind it. Then, start to carefully pull the plant at its roots, taking care not to break the stem.

Your goal here is to remove as much of the root system as you can. Pulling the plant out of the ground will not be enough, since it can regrow from small pieces of root that may remain in the soil. Once you have removed as much of the weed as possible, cover it with a black plastic sheet or mulch to prevent any remaining parts from sprouting again.

You can use a rake or hoe to loosen the soil around the morning glory and make it easier to pull. This is especially important for larger plants with thicker roots, as this will help you remove all of them without leaving any pieces behind.

It’s important to be patient when removing morning glory manually. Don’t just yank it out of the ground–you might break the roots or stems, causing it to grow back quickly! Take your time and make sure that you get as much of the root system as possible.

Use an herbicide

If manual removal or other methods aren’t an option then you will need to use an herbicide. Herbicides are chemical compounds that kill plants, and they can be a great way to get rid of morning glory in your grass.

Systemic herbicides are the best option for getting rid of morning glory, as they are absorbed into the plant and spread throughout its entire system. This ensures complete coverage and kills even the deepest roots. Select a systemic herbicide that is specifically designed to target broad-leaf weeds.

The most commonly used herbicides for this purpose are glyphosate-based products. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that kills virtually all types of weeds, including morning glory. It’s important to note, however, that it also kills other plants so you should take care not to spray it on anything other than the weeds you want to remove.

Additionally, if you have pets or children then you should keep them away from any areas where herbicides have been applied. Finally, make sure to read and follow the instructions on the product label before you apply it to your lawn.

Use an herbicide

We suggest you apply a herbicide when the morning glory is in bloom and actively growing, as the chemical will be more effective. Once you’ve applied the herbicide according to the instructions on the label, wait for a few days and then check back to see if there is any regrowth. If necessary, apply a second treatment until all of the morning glory has been eradicated.

While not as effective, pre-emergent herbicides can also be used to prevent morning glory from germinating in the first place. These types of herbicides create a protective barrier on the soil’s surface, preventing any weed seeds from sprouting. However, they are not effective against existing weeds so you will need to combine a pre-emergent with a post-emergent herbicide for maximum effectiveness.

Use the combination of methods

Finally, the best way to get rid of morning glory in your grass is to use a combination of methods. Pulling out the weeds manually and then applying an herbicide will give you the most effective results. The manual removal will help get rid of any existing plants and the herbicide will prevent new ones from growing back.

Before you start pulling, look for any signs of regrowth from existing plants and remove those first. This will help keep your lawn free from morning glory for a longer period of time. Additionally, make sure to apply herbicides only when necessary–too much can damage your lawn or even kill it! Use these methods together to effectively eradicate morning glory from your lawn. [1], [2], [3]

How to Prevent Morning Glories in Garden

Now you should know how to get rid of morning glory in grass, the next step is preventing them from coming back. The best way to do this is by creating a healthy lawn environment that discourages their growth, obviously. As to the other methods, we shall discuss them now!

Pull the seedlings manually

The best way to prevent morning glory from coming back is by removing the seedlings as they appear. Check your lawn on a regular basis and pull out any plants that you see growing. This will not only help keep the weeds from spreading, but it will also give you an opportunity to identify any areas where soil may be too moist or shady–these are ideal conditions for morning glory growth and should be addressed if possible.

Pull the seedlings manually

Use a ground cover

If pulling the seedlings manually isn’t enough to keep the morning glory away, then you can try using a ground cover. We already discussed the benefits of ground cover as a treatment method, but it can actually prevent new plants from sprouting. Ground cover will crowd out the weeds and make it harder for them to take root.

Install physical barriers

The simplest way to prevent morning glory from growing in your grass is by installing a physical barrier. This could be anything from an edging strip made of metal, wood, or even plastic. Keep in mind that this only works if you can install it deep enough into the ground to discourage any roots from growing through.

A barrier will protect your lawn from the morning glory but also can help keep other weeds away as well.

Dispose of weeds properly

Make sure you dispose of weeds properly, as this will prevent the morning glory from coming back. This means that you should never put the weeds in a compost pile or leave them on the side of your lawn. Make sure to bag them up and throw them away in an appropriate area.

Drying the weeds in the sun before disposing of them can also be effective in preventing their return. [1]


How do I get rid of morning glory in my yard?

The best way to get rid of morning glory in your yard is by using a systemic herbicide spray. This involves spraying a product containing glyphosate or triclopyr on the entire lawn, focusing especially on areas with heavy infestation. The herbicide should be applied in late summer or early fall when the morning glory plants are actively growing and most susceptible to absorption of the chemicals.

It is important to note that while this method has been effective for many people, it can also cause damage to healthy grass if not done properly. It is best to consult a professional or read instructions carefully before applying any kind of herbicide spray in your yard. Additionally, you may need to apply multiple applications over several weeks if there is extensive morning glory growth present.

What is the best thing to kill morning glory?

The best thing to kill morning glory is a combination of manual removal and chemical control. To remove morning glory manually, you will need to dig up the affected areas of your lawn using a shovel or trowel. Carefully loosen the soil around the roots of the plant and pull them out with as much root as possible. If you are unable to get all of the roots, then any pieces that remain in the ground may grow back again.

Once manual removal has been completed, it’s important to use chemical control for morning glory in grass. The most effective way to do this is by applying a broad-spectrum herbicide such as glyphosate (Roundup). Make sure to read and follow all instructions on product labels carefully before use to ensure proper application. For best results, you may need to make multiple applications.

What is the best thing to kill morning glory?

How do you get rid of morning glory roots?

One of the most effective ways to get rid of morning glory roots is to dig them up. Use a shovel or spade to carefully remove any visible weeds, including their roots. Make sure to dig deep enough so that you can get as much of the root system out as possible. Depending on how large the weed infestation is, you may also want to use a tiller or cultivator to break up and loosen soil more thoroughly so that more of the root system can be removed.

It is important to continually check your lawn for any remaining morning glory seeds in the grass and soil, as these are incredibly resilient and can survive even extensive digging efforts! To reduce further spread of morning glory, regular mowing helps with controlling the weed’s seed heads, preventing further spread.

Finally, it is essential to ensure that all parts of the morning glory plants are disposed of properly. Do not compost them as they can regrow in your compost bin! Instead, discard them into a sealed plastic bag and place it in your trash bin or take it to a local waste disposal facility.  This will help prevent any new morning glory plants from taking root in your lawn.

How do I stop my morning glory from reseeding?

The key to stopping morning glory from reseeding is to remove all flowering vines before they have a chance to set seed. This can be done manually, by cutting the stem of the vine at ground level or slightly below. It is important to remove as much of the root system as possible when removing the morning glories this way. This will prevent regrowth from occurring and help keep them from spreading further.

If manual removal isn’t an option, herbicides can also be used to control morning glories in grass. Herbicides with active ingredients such as glyphosate (Roundup) or imazapyr are effective against morning glories and should be applied directly onto the foliage of actively growing vines.

Ground covers or mulches can also be used to help prevent morning glories from establishing in the first place. In addition, maintaining healthy, actively growing grass will help crowd out newly sprouting morning glory vines and make it more difficult for them to become established.

Useful Video: Managing Bindweed (Wild Morning Glory) in the garden without the use of herbicide.


Morning glory can be a difficult weed to eliminate due to its hardy nature, but with careful preparation and persistent maintenance efforts, it can be effectively controlled.

In this article, we have discussed the various methods that can be employed to get rid of morning glory in grass, such as using herbicides, physically removing weeds and roots, and taking preventive measures.

Organic weed control may take more time and effort than chemical treatments, but it is a safe option for those who want to avoid synthetic pesticides. It also does not create any long-term damage to the environment. From steam treatment to vinegar applications, there are several organic methods you can employ to keep your lawn free of the pesky weed.

No matter what method you choose, it’s important to be consistent with your maintenance efforts and keep a close eye on any new growth. With enough dedication, you can get rid of morning glory in grass for good!

Finally, regular mowing and proper lawn care practices will help discourage the growth of weeds like morning glory in your grass, keeping your yard looking neat and healthy all year round.  Good luck with your weed management project!


  1. https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Morning-Glories
  2. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/morning-glory/control-morning-glory-weeds.htm
  3. https://www.ehow.com/how_7693329_kill-morning-glory-weeds-lawn.html