
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Get Rid of Bindweed?

How to Get Rid of Bindweed?

If you’re like most gardeners, you probably dread the sight of bindweed in your garden. This pesky weed can be difficult to get rid of, but with this guide, you’ll be able to eliminate it once and for all! Bindweed is a fast-growing weed that can quickly take over your garden if left unchecked. In this guide, we will answer common questions about bindweed and provide tips on how to get rid of it. So read on and learn everything you need to know about getting rid of bindweed!

What is a Bindweed and Why is It a Problem

Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) is a perennial weed that creeps along the ground and climbs up other plants in your garden. It has long, narrow leaves with white or pink flowers and produces small, round fruits. Bindweed spreads quickly by its creeping roots that can reach lengths of many feet.

Once established, bindweed can be very difficult to get rid of as its deep roots are hard to remove from the soil and it regenerates quickly through fragmentation. The most common problem associated with bindweed is its aggressive growth pattern which can overwhelm other plants in the garden and choke them out as it takes over their territory.

Furthermore, bindweed also reduces crop yields due to competition for resources like water and sunlight. Bindweed is also capable of absorbing large amounts of nutrients from the soil which can reduce the productivity of other plants in your garden.

In addition to its negative impacts, bindweed is also difficult to control due to its deep roots, making it a challenge for even experienced gardeners and land managers. To make matters worse, when spread by wind or through water run-off, bindweed can easily migrate from one area to another and become a persistent problem in new environments.

Therefore, it is important to take measures to get rid of bindweed as quickly and effectively as possible in order to protect your garden and crops from its detrimental effects. The next section will provide useful tips on how you can do so. [1], [2]

What is a Bindweed and Why is It a Problem

How to Get Rid of Bindweed

Now that you know why bindweed is a problem, let’s look at how to get rid of it. Getting rid of bindweed can be a challenge, but it is possible with the right approach. Let’s begin discussing the best methods to control bindweed.

Dig out the roots

The most effective way to get rid of bindweed is to physically remove the roots. This can be done manually with a shovel or trowel, although it may require some effort and patience as the creeping roots are often deep in the ground.

If you have large areas infested with bindweed, you can use a plough or cultivator to dig out larger sections. Make sure you dig up all of the roots otherwise they may continue to grow back.

You should also consider disposing of any removed bindweed away from your garden as it can easily spread again if left in close proximity. Drying out the roots in the sun can help reduce the risk of regrowth.

We will discuss the topic of proper bindweed disposal later in the article. For now, let’s move on to some other methods of bindweed removal.

Try to weaken growth

Another eco-friendly way to get rid of bindweed is to try and weaken its growth. This can be done by cutting off the supply of nutrients with mulch or through solarization, which involves covering the soil with clear plastic for at least a month in order to prevent photosynthesis from taking place.

One option is to mow it down repeatedly to reduce the photosynthetic surface area of the weeds and limit their access to sunlight. This will not kill the bindweed but it may slow down its growth and give you more time to tackle it with other methods.

You can also isolate the bindweed in a separate area and cover it with a thick layer of mulch. This will prevent the weed from accessing sunlight and other resources, thus reducing its ability to spread.

Wrapping the bindweed around the poles farther away from the plants it can climb is another option that may work. This will prevent it from reaching other plants while still allowing sunlight to reach the weed, which can slow its growth.

Try to weaken growth

Boiling water method

While not as effective as some other methods, boiling water can be a relatively easy way to remove bindweed from your garden. Boiling water will kill any surface-level bindweed and the surrounding soil, although it won’t penetrate deep enough to reach the roots.

To use this method, simply bring a pot of water to a full boil and then slowly pour it over any bindweed you see growing in your garden. Make sure to pour the boiling water directly on top of the plant instead of letting it run off into another area where it could re-root elsewhere.

Apply weedkiller to isolated patches

A more aggressive approach is to apply a chemical weedkiller. This should only be done as a last resort, however, as weed killers can have adverse effects on the environment and other plants in your garden.

We only recommend using this method only if you don’t have any other plants growing in the vicinity, as weed killers can be very dangerous and should not be used where other plants are growing.

When using a chemical weedkiller, it’s important to choose one that is specifically designed for use against bindweed. Your local garden center or agricultural supply store should be able to provide you with a suitable product.

If you must use a chemical weedkiller, it’s best to start with an isolated patch of bindweed and work your way outward from there. Glyphosate-based weed killers are the most effective against bindweed. However you should consider the local regulations and restrictions in your area before using this product. Glyphosate for example is considered a restricted use pesticide in some jurisdictions due to its potential for harm.

Once you have selected your weedkiller, carefully follow the instructions on the label before applying it directly onto isolated patches of bindweed. Remember to wear protective clothing such as gloves and a facemask when handling herbicides, and take extra care around children and pets.

Keep in mind that even after application, several treatments may be necessary to fully eradicate bindweed from your garden. Therefore, it is important to be consistent and persistent in your efforts until the weed has been completely eliminated. [1], [2], [3]

Apply weedkiller to isolated patches

How to Prevent Bindweeds

Even if you’re successful in getting rid of bindweed in your garden, it’s important that you take steps to ensure that the weed doesn’t return. Bindweed can be very tough to eradicate and hence it is important to prevent it from coming back.

Put down a layer of mulch

The best way to prevent bindweed from returning is to put down a thick layer of mulch around your plants. Mulching helps create a barrier between the soil and the bindweed, thereby denying it access to sunlight and other resources.

Organic mulches such as bark or wood chips are ideal for this purpose because they provide additional nutrients to the soil while also suppressing weeds. You can either buy mulch at your local garden center or make your own by collecting fallen leaves or grass clippings from your yard.

Placing a weed membrane on top of the mulch will further inhibit the growth of bindweed as it will prevent any light from reaching the weed’s roots. Make sure that you keep an eye on the mulch and weed membrane to ensure that they are still in place.

Use a weed preventer

Another of the most effective ways to prevent bindweed from returning is to use a weed preventer. Weed preventers are chemical products that act as a barrier against weeds and can help keep them from taking root in your garden. It’s best to apply the product before any new growth appears and then reapply it regularly throughout the growing season.

Preen is one of the most popular brands of weed preventer and is effective against bindweed. It comes in granular form which can be easily spread over your garden beds, providing a barrier that will stop bindweed from taking hold.

Keep in mind that you will need to reapply the weed preventer regularly to maintain the barrier. Every 4 months is generally sufficient, but it is important to follow the instructions on the label.

Use a weed preventer

Manually pull bindweed weekly

Another way to protect your garden from bindweed is to manually pull out any new growth that appears each week. This should be done with caution as the plant can easily become tangled in other plants, or even your clothing or tools.

If you notice a patch of bindweed that’s starting to take shape, it’s best to tackle it right away before it has the chance to spread further. Use a sharp spade and dig deep into the soil around the roots, then remove as much of the weed as possible in one go. This method will prevent the bindweed from taking over your garden and can be done by regularly pulling the weed out of the ground.

Regularly check up on the health of your soil

The key to preventing bindweed from invading your garden is to maintain healthy soil. The better condition the soil is, the less likely it will be for bindweed seeds to find a foothold.

Regularly check up on the health of your soil by testing its pH and nutrient levels to make sure they are within an optimal range. Poorly drained soils with low fertility are more prone to infestations. Hence, you should take steps to improve soil drainage and aeration as well as boost its fertility by adding organic matter such as compost or manure.

Bindweed prefers soils with chemical imbalance, and so good soil health management practices are the best way to prevent it from taking over your garden. By regularly monitoring and maintaining the health of your soil, you’ll be able to keep bindweed at bay. [1], [2]


Should I pull bindweed?

The short answer is yes, you should pull out bindweed to help contain the weed problem in your garden. Pulling up bindweed manually is a great way to quickly reduce the amount of plants and prevent further spread. To be successful, however, it’s important to take certain steps when attempting this method.

First, you want to make sure that all root pieces are removed from the soil. Any piece that remains in the ground can grow into a new plant if not completely removed. It’s best to dig down several inches and thoroughly check for any small root pieces before moving on to the next section of soil.

Inspect your lawn regularly for new bindweed plants, and pull them out when you spot them. Doing this right away can help to prevent a major infestation.

You should also be sure to dispose of pulled weeds correctly by placing them in sealed plastic bags or burying them in the ground, as they can spread through contact with soil.

Should I pull bindweed?

How do you get rid of bindweed around trees?

One option for getting rid of bindweed near a tree is to pull them out manually. Make sure to get all of the roots, as new bindweed plants can emerge from them. If the weed is already firmly established around the tree, it might be better to use an herbicide. Glyphosate-based products are effective against bindweed and won’t damage the tree when applied properly.

However we don’t suggest using a herbicide if the tree is young, as the root systems are still developing. If you must use a herbicide, be sure to read and follow all of the instructions on the product label.

What kills bindweed naturally?

There are several natural options you can use to get rid of bindweed.

The most natural way to kill bindweed is by manually pulling it out of the soil. This can be tedious, but it is an effective way to remove bindweed from your garden and yard. Make sure you get all the roots and that none are left behind in the soil.

If pulling out bindweed by hand isn’t an option, you can also use a hoe or another sharp tool to cut through its root system. Again, make sure to get any pieces of root that may be left in the soil so they don’t grow back again.

Is bindweed easy to get rid of?

No, bindweed is not an easy plant to get rid of as it has a deep root system, which can make it difficult to remove completely. The best course of action for getting rid of bindweed is to take a two-pronged approach of both chemical and physical control. Chemical control includes using herbicides such as glyphosate or triclopyr that target the roots and foliage of the bindweed. Physical control includes removing the plants by hand with tools such as shovels or hoes, or covering them up with thick layers of mulch.

It is important to keep in mind when attempting to get rid of bindweed that it will require multiple treatments over several months in order to successfully remove all traces of the plant. Additionally, it is important to monitor the area regularly and take steps to prevent new growth by addressing any potential sources of seed or root fragments that may be present in the soil.

Useful Video: Stop Bindweed from Taking Over


Bindweed is a difficult weed to get rid of and it will require patience, diligence, and follow-through. This weed can come out of nowhere and spread quickly. To get rid of bindweed, you need to dig up the roots and use herbicides or natural methods like mulching and hand-pulling. Applying an organic pre-emergent weed killer can also be useful in preventing bindweed from growing in the future.

It’s important to remember that once bindweed is established in a location, it takes a lot of effort and time to eradicate it completely. The best practice is to take preventative measures before the weeds have a chance to spread.

You may need to use several different methods in order to completely eradicate the weed from your garden or lawn. Be sure to keep an eye on the area so that you can quickly spot any new growths and take action as soon as possible. We hope this guide has been helpful in providing useful tips on how to get rid of bindweed without too much fuss. Good luck with your efforts! Let us know if you’ve had any success with those methods in the comments below!


  1. https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Bindweed
  2. https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/solve-problems/field-bindweed/
  3. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/weeds/controlling-bindweed.htm