
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Get Rid of Virginia Creeper

How to get rid of virginia creeper

Virginia Creeper is an interesting plant. In the spring and summer, it will bring some trouble, but in the fall it will delight gardeners with bright colors. The leaves of this plant are like the leaves of grapes; in the fall they gain chic shades of colors. In fall, its leaves turn bright orange, burgundy, red, yellow, orange, and light green. Such a palette of colors will delight the eyes of any passer-by.

You can buy seedlings of this plant in gardening stores. Most often it is planted along the fence, and then a beautiful hedge is obtained. But if you stop caring for the plant, do not cut off the branches in time, then after a few years, such a plant will become a pest. If you missed this point and now do not know how to get rid of Virginia Creeper, we advise you to read this article in detail.

Virginia Creeper or what is a plant

This plant visually reminds us of our favorite grape bushes, which can be found in many front gardens. Virginia Creeper is also called girlish grape. The plant received this name for its ability to bear fruit without pollination. But unlike our beloved grapes, Virginia Creeper fruits are inedible. The primary qualities of the plant are unpretentiousness, the ability to quickly weave the vine and spread throughout the garden, high resistance to herbicides, and resistance to weather conditions.

Related Review: Best Post-Emergent Herbicides

If a vine of this plant has appeared in your garden, it will be difficult to deal with it. Vines can grow up to 20 pounds in length over a few years. The vine is unpretentious, can grow both in height and trail along the ground, quickly releases the root system, and grows deep into the ground. This plant can cover the walls of a house, a fence, braid and strangle fruitful bushes and trees, and destroy a lawn in several years. Perennial shoots have very dense wood. And even though many people use this plant as a decoration for the facades of houses and hedges, most often this plant turns into an annoying weed.

Disadvantages of weed, why is it harmful

If we use the weed as a decoration, we look it after and we cut the excess vine off in time, then there will be no problems with such a plant. But if you leave this process, then over time you will see such disadvantages:

  • The root system is very strong and capable of penetrating under the foundation of a building and thus destroying it;
  • The vine tightly braids the facade. If you do not cut it off in time, it penetrates the walls, under the roof, and thus cracks appear. The house collapses;
  • If the vine covers the ground, then over time it disrupts the process of evaporation of excess moisture. Mold forms under the vine which has a detrimental effect on the lawn and plants under the vine;
  • Overgrowth can damage the surface of the paths, clog the drain;
  • With its root system, the vine blocks the growth of fruitful plants, bushes, and flowers. It blocks the entry of useful minerals and substances into the root system of fertile plants;
  • Berries when rotting have a specific smell.

The vine is difficult to control; it grows very quickly, so do not let the plant grow too far.

What are the ways to deal with Virginia Creeper?

It will take a lot of effort and time to remove the vine completely. This is a very laborious and time-consuming process. The denser the vine grows and the more of it on the site, the longer you will have to deal with it. The more methods you will need to use. Forget about folk methods of struggle. Such methods will not bring results, you will simply waste your time and energy. In a year, you are unlikely to remove the plant from your site. But if you perform the following activities regularly, then most likely in 3-4 years this plant will stop bothering you and causing harm.

Virginia creeper is a very hardy plant, unpretentious to weather conditions. That is why, in the fight against this weed, use only such methods as:

  • Treatment with chemical herbicides;
  • Mechanical impact on the vine and root system.
We advise you to use these two methods together. Some gardeners are afraid of harming their health and destroying all the plants in the garden, and therefore they only fight the weed mechanically. Do not be afraid, totally doing everything and correctly, you will not harm the fruitful plants and flowers.

Weed removal using a mechanical action

To work as efficiently as possible at this stage, you will need special equipment. Prepare in advance gloves, pruning shears, an ax, a hacksaw for wood, bags for collecting vines, a stepladder (needed if the vine has braided the facade of the house or is woven through the trees).

This process is very time-consuming. At this point, you need to cut off any vines that are growing vertically or that are on the ground. Over the years, it forms a hard layer of wood at the shoots, so it will not work to cut some vines with a pruner, it will need to be sawed or chopped with an ax. It is also difficult to remove the vine because of the tendrils with which they firmly attach it.

We recommend starting this process by looking for the main vine that grows from the rhizome. You can separate it using an ax. Next, you will gradually unravel vine after vine, cut off young growth with pruning shears, and cut the older one with a hacksaw. This process can take you several days or even weeks. It all depends on the area that Virginia Creeper captured.

After you have cut the vine, the area should be well cleaned of thin branches, tendrils, berries, and foliage. After that, you can start harvesting the root system. Sometimes the root system grows deep, so this is where you have to work especially hard. Using a shovel and an ax, you dig up and chop down the root system of the weed.

We also recommend after you have dug out all the large roots, dig up the entire area on which the weed grew. This will help remove any roots left in the ground. This is done because even these remnants can germinate over time and sprout new stems. Because of this, you will have to repeat the complete process over again.

Using chemical herbicides in weed control

The root system grows quickly and deeply. It is for this reason that weed control is so difficult. The root system is resistant to mechanical stress, and even if you dig up the entire area, after a while a vine will appear on it again. We advise you to use herbicides to cultivate the land after you have dug up all the roots. There are many products on the market, the most common is Roundup.

When using this product, remember that you need to protect yourself from its effects. To do this, you will need protective clothing, gloves, goggles, and a respirator. If nothing grows on your site, then you can use a hand sprayer and spray the entire area with herbicide. If bushes, trees, and flowers grow on the site and you are afraid that the herbicide can get on them and harm them, we advise you to pour it only in those places where you removed the root system of the weed.

It is also worth repeating this procedure several times. You need to dig up the bud and spray it with herbicide, this is the only way you will get the maximum result. If new stems appear on the territory, then you need to dig them up and treat the place with a chemical solution.

Also, after processing, it is worth covering the soil with an airtight material. You can use any material that does not allow moisture, sun, and air to pass through. We should not remove this coating for about 3 weeks. This will give excellent results too. Roots will not receive nutrients and, in combination with the herbicide, will die faster.


Does vinegar work to kill Virginia creeper?

You bet! Vinegar is a great natural herbicide that will quickly kill off Virginia creeper. Simply mix up a solution of vinegar and water (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water), and apply it to the leaves of the weed using a spray bottle. The acid in the vinegar will burn through the plant’s foliage, causing it to wilt and die. To achieve the best results, apply the vinegar solution to Virginia creeper leaves on a sunny day when they are dry.

How do you prevent Virginia creepers from growing back?

One of the best ways to prevent Virginia creepers from growing back is to regularly mow or trim the area where they are growing. This will prevent the vines from getting too long and allow you to get rid of any new shoots that may pop up. If you choose to use herbicides to kill the Virginia creeper vines, be cautious and adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Is Virginia creeper poisonous to touch?

No, Virginia creeper is not poisonous to touch. However, the berries of the plant are toxic to humans and animals if ingested, so it is important to keep them out of reach. If you think your child or pet has eaten any part of this plant, call your doctor or veterinarian immediately.

Can a Virginia creeper hurt you?

Virginia creeper can cause skin irritation in some people. The plant excretes juices that can cause an allergic reaction when they come into contact with epidermis. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include itching, redness, and swelling. In severe cases, Virginia creeper can cause difficulty breathing and a rash. If you think you are allergic to Virginia creeper, it is important to see a doctor.

Should Virginia creeper be cut back?

Virginia creeper is a fast-growing, woody vine that’s often used as a decorative plant in gardens. Unfortunately, this common vine can become invasive, quickly taking over garden beds and smothering other plants. If you have Virginia creeper in your garden and want to get rid of it, you’ll need to take some proactive measures.

Cutting back Virginia creeper is one method of control, but it’s important to note that this technique will only work if the vine is small and not too well established. Remove the roots of larger vines by digging up the plant.

Is Virginia creeper good for anything?

Yes, Virginia creeper is actually a very useful plant. It’s an excellent groundcover because it spreads quickly and densely. It also provides food and shelter for birds and other wildlife.

However, Virginia creeper can become invasive if it’s not kept in check. If you have Virginia creeper growing where you don’t want it, follow these steps to get rid of it.

Are Virginia creeper roots invasive?

If left unchecked, the roots of the Virginia creeper can cause problems. If you have Virginia creeper growing in your garden and you don’t want it to take over, you need to take action to get rid of it.

One of the best ways to get rid of Virginia creeper is to physically remove it from your garden. This can be a difficult and time-consuming task, but it is the most effective way to get rid of the plant. You will need to dig up the roots and all of the leaves, making sure that you get as much of the plant as possible. If you don’t want to dig up the roots, you can also try cutting down the vines and leaves, but this will not kill the plant and it will eventually grow back.

Is Virginia creeper the same as poison ivy?

No, they are not the same plant. Many people believe that Virginia creeper is poison ivy because they share similar characteristics. Both plants have leaves that are arranged in clusters of three, but that’s where the similarity ends. Poison ivy has shiny leaves that are smooth edged, while Virginia creeper’s leaves are dull and have serrated edges. Poison ivy vines also have small greenish-white flowers and berries, while Virginia creeper has small black berries.

Is Virginia creeper poisonous to animals?

All parts of the Virginia creeper plant are poisonous to animals if they consume it. The saponin content is what makes it toxic to both humans and animals alike. Saponins are known to cause vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal upset if consumed in large quantities. However, death from Virginia creeper poisoning is very rare and typically only occurs if a large amount of the plant is consumed.

Does Virginia creeper attract bees?

Yes, Virginia creeper does attract bees as it is a source of nectar for them. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective. If you are looking to attract bees to your garden in order to pollinate your plants, then having Virginia creeper around can be beneficial. You should get rid of the Virginia creeper only if you’re allergic to bees, otherwise it’s harmless.

Useful Video: Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) – Be careful with this plant and here’s why!

What else is worth remembering

You can also use the following method to deal with the vine. Prune the vine at the base. Drill holes like a pencil in these places. Put the herbicide solution into the syringe and inject it into the root system. This method is effective, but only if you have only a few new branches of the vine. If the vine has braided the entire fence, then it will be very difficult and long to make such an injection into the root system.

Also, do not forget to remove any fallen berries. By the spring they will sprout new stems and you will have to repeat the weed harvesting process. It’s also worth getting your neighbors involved in weed control because the underground root system can crawl far from your site.

Virginia Creeper can be the perfect decoration for your hedge or front of the house, but only if you take proper care of it. It is growth control that is used as an alternative method of weed control. And before planting such an ornamental plant, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. This way you can significantly save your time in the future when you start the laborious process of dealing with fast-growing vines.